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Polk negotiated a treaty with Britain which provided a peaceful settlement to the northern boundary dispute. He compromised his 54-40 or fight slogan, settling for less.

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Q: Why did James Polk support us and Oregon territory?
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What did president James Polk do to win support for the annexation of Texas?

he promised to take control of all of the Oregon territory

Why did president James Polk support the us acquisition of both Texas and the entire Oregon territory?

he belived in manifest destiny

What did James K. Polk acommplish?

James K. Polk added the Oregon Territory and Texas to the United States

How did James K. Polk feel about annexing Oregon and whats his campaign slogan?

The slogan of the campaign was not disavow by Polk. Polk pledged to settle the boundary of Oregon Territory with Britain.

Did James K. Polk get Oregon?

The northern boundary of the Oregon territory was settled by a treaty with Britain while Polk was president. He settled for less that the 54-40 he had campaigned for.

What treaty did James K. Polk sign with Britain in 1846?

This was the Oregon Treaty which established the boundary between the Oregon Territory and Canada.

What role did President James Polk have in acquiring Oregon as part of the US?

President Polk sent troops to Mexico to seize the Oregon Territory, which began the Mexican War that the U.S. ultimately won to acquire Oregon.

Who did the us president James Polk send to negotiate the problem of the Oregon border?

Secretary of State James Buchanan negotiated the treaty that set the boundary of the Oregon territory.

Which US president was responsible for securing the Oregon Territory?

James Knox Polk got the British to sign the treaty deciding the Oregon border.

Why did president James K. Polk support the U.S acquisition of both Texas and the entire Oregon territory?

he belived in manifest destiny

Who was president when Texas the Oregon Territory and the Mexican Cession was added to US?

The United States entered into joint custody of the Oregon Territory with Great Britain on October 20, 1818, while James Monroe was President. The Oregon Treaty, which set the boundary between the U.S. and British parts of the territory, was signed on June 15, 1846, while James K. Polk was President. Present-day Oregon received its statehood on February 14, 1859, while James Buchanan was President.

How did the us get the Oregon territory?

In 1846 under President James K. Polk the U.S. signed a treaty with Britain that gave the U.S. possession of the Oregon territory.