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'Jon & Kate Plus 8" suspended filming because Jon Gosselin issued a cease and desist order to the network to stop filming of his children for reality television.

There may be shows in the future, but only after Jon, Kate and TLC have reached an agreement about the show, filming of the children and compensation.

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Q: Why did Jon and Kate Gosselin stop the show?
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Was Jon Gosselin from 'Jon and Kate Plus 8' on the TV show 'MANswers'?

No, and Jon Gosselin doesn't have a twin

Why did Jon and Kate Gosselin break up?

Jon and Kate Gosselin divorced due to irreconcilable differences. One contributor says: I think because Jon did not want to do the show anymore, but Kate wouldn't stop it.

Why are Jon Gosselin's brothers not on the show?

At least one of Jon Gosselin's brothers has been on 'Jon & Kate Plus 8.'

How is Jon Gosselin famous?

Jon Gosselin became famous when him and his wife, Kate, started their TV show Jon and Kate Plus 8 after their twins and sextuplets were born.

Are Jon and Kate stopping 'Jon and Kate Plus 8'?

Jon Gosselin stopped filming of the show. TLC always said if any one (1) member of the Gosselin family wanted to stop the show.. they would bring 'Jon & Kate Plus 8' to an end. Kate thought it was best for the kids to continue film , where Jon does not. Jon apparently does not want his kids to be filmed, and has suspended filming of 'Jon & Kate Plus 8'. He has lawyers who are trying to stop the show. Some people believe this is due to TLC's announcement of their intrntion to repackage the show as 'Kate Plus Eight'.

Is it true that the Gosselins are ending 'Jon and Kate Plus 8'?

Yes and No. Yes, 'Jon & Kate Plus 8' is no longer being filmed. but No, it was not the Gosselin's decision to stop 'Jon & Kate Plus 8." Jon wanted tos stop filming the children while his divorce from Kate Gosselin was in process. But, Kate wanted to continue filming, she felt the family was offered many moer opportunities and had a positive experience filming the popular reality TV show. TLC always stated that if any one (1) member of the Gosselin family wanted to stop the show, they would stop.. and Jon asked to stop and that was the end.

Who married Kate gosselin?

Jon Gosselin married Kate Gosselin.

Where does Jon and Kate Gosselin's wealth come from?

Their wealth comes from their popular show "Jon and Kate Plus Eight."

Will 'Jon and Kate Plus 8' be on again?

No. Despite the February 2010 rumors that Jon Gosselin has reached a settlement with TLC, there are no plans to return to the Gosselin family's original format of 'Jon and Kate Plus 8.' There might be future appearances, in either a regular show or specials, of Kate and the children.. but Jon Gosselin will not be on camera. TLC continues to work on developing a separate show featuring Kate Gosselin.

Who is kate gosslin is it the mom from jon and kate plus 8?

Yes, Kate Gosselin in the mom from Jon and Kate plus 8. She is no longer with Jon and the show has been cancelled.

Where are Jon and Kate Gosselin originally from?

Both Jon and Kate Gosselin are originally from Central Pennsylvania.

Where were Jon and Kate Gosselin born?

Both Jon and Kate Gosselin were born in Hershey, Pennsylvania.