

Why did Leif Erickson go to the land west of Greenland?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: Why did Leif Erickson go to the land west of Greenland?
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What was leif erickson's route?

From Iceland to Greenland, then on to North America.

Who asked Leif Erickson to explore?

No one. He took it upon himself to explore the area west of Greenland.

What route did leif erickson take during his journey?

From Greenland west to Baffin Island, then south to Newfoundland, Canada.

What was leif ericson originally seeking?

Because he heard stories about the land that Bjarni saw. This land had timber, which was scarce in Greenland.

How did Leif Ericsson find Canada?

He sailed west from Greenland.

What was leif ericson's route?

He sailed west from Greenland to North America.

What route did leif ericson take to America?

He sailed west from Greenland.

What connection does Leif Eriksson have to north America?

He sailed west from Greenland.

Where was leif ericson exploring?

He sailed west from Greenland to North America.

Which Norse explorer landed in north America about 500 years before Christoper Columbus?

Leif Erickson. He established a settlement on Newfoundland. He was born about 970 - 980, most likely on Iceland. Leif discovered North America either when he was blown off course on his way to introduce Christianity to Greenland, or he found it after hearing about it from another Greenlander who had been blown off course and had seen land to the west, and went looking for it. His father, Eric the Red, established the first settlements on Greenland.

How did Leif Erikson and his crew reach North America?

They sailed west from Greenland.

Which route did leif eriksson take?

He sailed west from Greenland to North America.