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Macbeth claimed to have killed King Duncan's guards because he wanted to frame them for the murder of Duncan, thus diverting suspicion away from himself. This was part of his plan to become king and consolidate power.

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Why does Macbeth claim why he killed king duncans guards?

He claims he did so out of anger over Duncan's death, but it is really to prevent them from telling the truth.

Why does Macbeth claim he killed Duncan guards?

He claims he did so out of anger over Duncan's death, but it is really to prevent them from telling the truth.

Why does Macbeth claim he killed King Duncan's guards?

He says he was overcome with rage because they had killed Duncan.

Who frames the guards for Duncan's murder?

Macbeth frames the guards for Duncan's murder by placing the bloody daggers in their hands while they were asleep, so that it would appear as if they were the ones who committed the crime. This was part of his plan to shift the blame away from himself and solidify his claim to the throne.

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Muslims usually reject this claim and say that Allah guards only the Quran.

When was Macbeth crowned King?

In August 1040, he killed the ruling king, Duncan I, in battle near Elgin, Morayshire. Macbeth became king. His marriage to Kenneth III's granddaughter Gruoch strengthened his claim to the throne. In 1045, Macbeth defeated and killed Duncan I's father Crinan at Dunkeld.

How and why does Macbeth change from war hero into a evil murderer?

Macbeth changes from a war hero in to a evil murderer because all he wants to do is claim power of the throne Macbeth changes from a war hero in to a evil murderer because all he wants to do is claim power of the throne

Why deos Macbeth call malcom a step on which he must falll down?

Macbeth views Malcolm as a stepping stone to his own ambition - to eliminate Malcolm and claim the throne for himself. Calling Malcolm a "step" signifies Macbeth's belief that he must overcome and overthrow Malcolm in order to achieve his goals. It reflects Macbeth's ruthless and ambitious nature.

What castle is lady Macbeth in when she started sleep walking?

He was in King Duncan's old castle the Macbeth rightfully claim after killing King Duncan, and his sons Malcolm and Donalbain flee the scene and go to England and Israel.

What reason does Macbeth give the hired assassins for their taking revenge?

According to the historical record, Macbeth [c. 1014-August 15, 1057] might have sought revenge for the unprovoked, unpopular, unjustified, unjust invasion of his family's lands by King Duncan I [d. August 14, 1040]. Duncan was killed by his own men before Macbeth could claim his right to do so. Instead, Macbeth's claim to the throne was recognized. Additionally, 14 years later, Duncan's aged father Crinan [d. 1054], the hereditary abbot of Dunkeld, rebelled against Macbeth's rule. This time, Macbeth claimed his right to kill the rebel before anyone else did. According to the Shakespearean play, the future King Malcolm III [d. November 13, 1093] sought revenge for the murder of his father, Duncan, by Macbeth. But he didn't want to carry out the killing himself. He might have thought that put him on the same level as Macbeth: killing a king in order to become king. So Malcolm saw to his revenge by having as his avenging angel Macduff. Macduff had his own reasons for ending Macbeth's reign and life. Macbeth had planned the Fife Castle massacre by which Macduff's entire family and household were stabbed to death.

Has Barack Obama ever killed anyone?

No. Not directly. Some people claim that Presidents are responsible for all deaths in wars during their watch, so they claim he has killed lots of people in Afghanistan.

Malcolm refers to Macbeth as this dead butcher what does he mean?

Butchers kill animals in quantity so that their meat can be eaten by people. They don't feel any empathy for the animals while doing this (their job would drive them crazy otherwise). By likening Macbeth to a butcher, Malcolm says both that he killed a lot of people and that he didn't feel anything about it. This is not completely true, of course, as anyone who has been watching the play knows, but it helps legitimize Malcolm's claim to the throne. Oh, and why does Malcolm call Macbeth "dead"? Because shortly before he says this Macduff chopped off Macbeth's head and was showing it around.