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Q: Why did Madison believe in a strict government?
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Do you believe the US government works as Madison claimed it would?

James Madison had the belief that by instilling a democratic form of government in the United States that the farmers and business owners would learn to work together for the best interests of the country. Many people believe that the US government does work as Madison claimed it would.

Why did the Jefferson and Madison believe that Adam's and the federalist were capturing the government from the American people?

Jefferson and Madison supported small government control (and a stricter interpretation of the Constituation), while Adams and the Federalists wanted more government power.

What does a strict constructionist believe?

novanet- the powers of the federal government are explicitly granted by the constitution

Did James Madison believe the delegates at the constitutional convention could keep the revised Articles of Confederation as the government of the nation?

No he did not believe so.

Those who favor a strict construction of the constitution believe what?

the powers of the federal government are explicitly granted by the constitution

What president came to believe that a constitutional amendment was necessary for the government to build roads and canals?

James Madison

Those who favor a strict construction of the Constitution believe .?

novanet- the powers of the federal government are explicitly granted by the constitution

What was the government like in rhode island?

the government was really strict and really strict.

What is the term used to describe limiting the federal government to powers specifically listed in the constitution?

Strict constructionalists believe that the federal government can only do that which is authorized in the Constitution.

What is the end or supreme goal of government according to Madison?

James Madison states in the Federalist 51 that "justice is the end of government"

Who advocated strict constructionism in government?

Alexander hamlinton advocated strict constructionism in government

Federalist papers Why did Madison believe that a large government would be more successful than a small government?

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