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Marie Curie was born in Poland. Marie loved Poland dearly. So, the element Polonium was named after her country. NOTICE:


Poland They both begin with the letters POL. Hope this answer helps you!

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radium has changed the way we now take control of cancer treatments and skin damage and polonium is now changing the world on how people use drugs especially tobacco.

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10y ago

Because she wanted to call it polonium for her home country, Poland.

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8y ago

The cause is that Marie Curie was of Polish origin.

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The name of the chemical element is derived from Polonia.

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10y ago

you use it for a lot of different things

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Q: Marie curie and her husband discovered a new radoiactive substance they called polonium why did they choose this name?
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What did Marie curie do for chemistry?

She discovered radium & polonium alongside her husband.

What is the word origin of polonium?

The element Polonium was named by Marie Curie, who, with her husband, discovered it, for Polonia, or Poland. Mme Curie was born in Poland.

What is the Radium Institute?

is where Marie curie and her husband discovered the elements radium and polonium but now they have turned it into an institute

What two elements did Marie Curie name?

Marie Skłodowska Curie and her husband Pierre discovered the elements polonium and radium in 1898, and named polonium for her native country Poland.

What element is radioactive and discovered by the Curies?

Polonium was discovered by Marie Curie and Pierre Curie in 1898. Radium was discovered by Marie Curie, Pierre Curie and G. Bemont also in 1898. Studying residues of uranium ores Marie Curie and Pierre Curie found that these residues are more radioactive than uranium; they attributed this radioactivity to unknown elements. They isolated these elements and named these elements polonium and radium.

What year did Marie curie make her discovery?

Bequerel was the first to note radioactivity, in 1896. Curie discovered radium in 1898, after experiments with uranium and then pitchblende.

What puzzled Marie curie and her husband about uranium?

- They discovered that radiations are emitted from the uranium atom (and not from the molecule containing uranium) and are dependent on the quantity of uranium. - They discovered polonium and radium in uranium minerals.

Marie's husband and partner was curie?

Marie Curie's husband and partner was Pierre Curie. Marie and Pierre Curie are best known for their work in the study of radioactivity. They discovered the elements radium and polonium, in 1898.

What was the element that madam curie invented called?

she discovered radium along with her husband Pierre

Who helped Marie curie discover polonium and radium?

Her husband, Pierre Curie, worked with Marie Curie when they discovered Polonium. The Curies also discovered that Thorium, discovered in 1829 by Jöns Jakob Berzelius, emits radiation.

What accomplishments did Marie curie make that is related to waves?

Marie Curie discovered radium and polonium and made huge inroads in the research of radioactivity and it's benefits. As a note of interest, both her and her husband Pierre's journals are still radioactive.

What did Madame Curie invent?

Curie's efforts, with her husband, Pierre Curie, led to the discovery of polonium and radium and, after Pierre's death, the development of X-rays.