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Medusa got turned into a gorgon because the gods got angry at her

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Q: Why did Medusa turned into a gorgon?
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What date was it when Medusa got turned into a gorgon?

Medusa was born a Gorgon.

If Medusa was turned into a gorgon by Athena then how did her sisters become gorgons?

Medusa went into Athene's temple and Poseidon was spying on her and then Poseidon raped her in front of Athene so Athene got furious and said the that wasn't going to happen again so Athene turned Medusa into a gorgon because she said that it was Medusa's fought.Then Athene found out that Medusa had two sisters so Athene said that Medusa's sisters were probably are going to do the something so she turned then into gorgon. Medusa was probably 25 years old when she was turned into a ugly gorgon

How did medusa become a gorgon?

She was caught flirting with Posiden in Athena's temple and was turned into a nasty gorgon.

Why did Hercules create Medusa?

Hercules did not create Medusa. Medusa was the daughter of Phorcys and Ceto, and she was turned into a gorgon by the goddess Athena.

Was Poseidon's wife a god?

No she was not a goddess it was Medusa before she was turned into a Gorgon.

Who was changed into a stone by Perseus?

Medusa, a gorgon, was turned into stone by Perseus.

What produces a medusa?

medusa and her gorgon sisters were nymphs posiedon was "dating" medusa athena caught them in her temple and turned medusa and her sisters into gorgons

Was Medusa always a gorgon?

NO.........Medusa had relationships with Athena's brother poseidon and gave birth to their child when she was killed by (Perseus).She was a beautiful young woman but Athena turned her into a gorgon.

How did Medusa's parents react when Athena turned her into a Gorgon?

I'm sure they were dismayed.

What caused Medusa to be mean spirited?

She was a beutiful woman who was cursed and turned into a Gorgon.

What effect was the gorgon's head supposed to have had upon people?

Whoever set his eyes to gorgon's Medusa head was turned to stone

Why were Athena and Medusa enemies?

athena is medusa's enemy because athena turned medusa into a horrible gorgon when she was caught sleeping with poseidon in her temple