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Miep and Mr. Kraler helped the Franks and the Van Daans because they were moved by their plight and wanted to assist those in hiding from the Nazis. They took great risks to provide food, supplies, and support to the families in hiding in the secret annex.

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Q: Why did Miep and Mr.Kraler are helping the Franks and the Van Daans?
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Related questions

What dangers did miep gies and the other office workers confront in helping the franks and van daans hide?

Miep Gies and the other office workers faced the risk of arrest, imprisonment, and even death for helping the Franks and the Van Daans hide. They were defying the Nazi occupation and putting their own lives at risk to provide food, supplies, and news from the outside world to the hidden families. Their actions required discretion, secrecy, and courage in the face of severe consequences.

Why do miep and mrkraler bring a cake?

They bring the cake as celebration, for New Years.

Who were the van pelses?

the family in hiding with the Franks. In the diary, Miep Gies aliased the Van Daans in case the diary was found and she did not want any of them to be prosecuted

What were the external motivations of miep and kraler helping the franks?

They were good people and they helped the frank all the way.

Was miep gies arrested?

Miep Gies was not arrested for helping the franks and Van pels family. It was said that the arresting officer had felt a connection with her so he let her go, and she was dutch.

Where is Miep Gies founder of Anne Franks diary enteries?

miep gies

Who was an important helper to the franks?

Miep Gies

What Mr Van Daan give Miep?

mrs. van daans fur coat

Who Hid the franks?

Family friend Meip Gies hid the franks

What did miep gies do for a living?

Otto Franks assistant.

Who continued the Expansion of the Franks?

miep gies. i think

Who was bep?

her name is miep and she is one of the people who helped the franks