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they didn't want the public to know about it

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The Nazis killed people everywhere.

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Q: Why did Nazis not kill people in the open air?
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What were mass open air shootings carried out by the Nazis?

In many parts of Eastern Europe, the Nazis rounded up victims - usually Jews, took them into open country, forced them to dig their own graves often in the form of pits. The victims were then lined up at the edge, shot and either fell or were pushed into the pit. Then the next group was lined up and so on. One of the biggest mass open air shooting was at Babi Yar (near Kiev). About 33,500 Jews were shot in that massacre. (In this case the Nazis used a natural ravine).

What did people think of the Wright Brothers?

many people thought that air travel was unsafe and that they were trying to kill people by flying in the air.

Where did the Nazis murder millions of Jews?

1. In the extermination camps they had during the Holocaust, like Auschwitz. 2. In mass open air shootings by mobile killing units.

Can you kill someone with air?

yes. compressed air because it has a lot of chemicals in it. But the only way this happens is if someone has a open cut or scrape on their body.

How was carbon monoxide used deadly in holocaust?

The Nazis built extermination vans to transport Jews to concentration camps. They had poorly-tuned gasoline engines and an exhaust system that could route smoke into the passenger compartment. (The driver sat in an open-air cockpit.) They would fill the van with Jews, start driving a long route to the camp, and open a valve to release smoke into the passengers. They soon realized this worked but would never be able to kill enough people.

What did the Nazis use before gas chambers?

gas vans, they were the main gas extermination method until the spring of 1943, which was when the large gas chambers started ______ In the early stages of the Holocaust (1941-42) the Nazis relied mainly on mass open air shootings.

Why do people open theirs doors and windows at midnight?

to let the old air out and new air in

Does air pollution kill people?

yes it kills people , because it cause them a lot of health problems

How does Air embolism kill you?

can air bubbles on the brain kill you

Give the example of food preservation?

Pour Salt, kill the air Decrease bacteria Pour Salt, kill the air Decrease bacteria

What is another word for In the open air?

in the open air