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He had to go fight in the battle of Troy.

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Q: Why did Odysseus leave his home?
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Why did Odysseus leave Troy?

The war was over, and Odysseus wanted to return home to Ithaca.

Why does Odysseus leave Circe's island?

les cacnas le puss de Odysseus tricanis

Why does Zeus leave Odysseus alive?

Zeus leaves Odysseus alive because Odysseus has been fated to return home. Even the mightiest Gods do not dare go against the Fates.

Why does Odysseus want to leave Calypso?

Odysseus wishes to return home to see his wife Penelope and his child Telemachus, whom he has not seen for 20 years.

Why didn't Odysseus leave the Trojan War?

He did. It just took him a long time to get back home.

Who asks Odysseus to leave circe?

Odysseus' crew men ask Odysseus to leave Circe's island after a year on her island.

How did Odysseus leave Calypsos' island?

Athena told her father Zeus that Odysseus wanted to go home to see his wife and son so Zeus told Hermes to go and tell Calypso to let Odysseus leave her island. She agreed and told Odysseus to make a boat and she gave him food and wine for his journey

Why does calipso allow Odysseus to leave her island?

Calypso allows Odysseus to leave her island after Athene asks Zeus to tell Calyspo that if she doesnt allow Odysseus to leave her island that if she doesnt that Zeus will strike her with a thunderbolt and kill her as he is not a prisoner to her island and need to get home to be with Penelope (his wife). Zeus sends Hermes the messenger God to tell Calypso. Although Calypso is furious and doesnt want Odysseus to leave, she lets him because obviously she doesnt want to die so she helps him build a raft and gives him gifts for his journey home.

Why does Odysseus leave the underworld?

Odysseus is still alive.

Which is an important theme in the odyssey part two?

This part talks about how Odysseus was able to leave Calypso's Island and get to the Pheacians land. Odysseus is still on his journey to get back home.

Who suggests Odysseus should leave kirkes island?

Hermes, the messenger god, suggests to Odysseus that he should leave Circe's island and continue his journey home to Ithaca. Hermes warns Odysseus about the danger of staying too long on the island and advises him on how to break Circe's spell.

Why does Odysseus want to leave Calypso and her island?

Odysseus wants to leave Calypso and her island because he wants to go home to Ithaca. After the Trojan war, his ship was tossed off course and he has been trying to finish his journey since.