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To explain why he was wearing clothes that belonged to their daughter.

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Q: Why did Odysseus tell the story of his journey to king alcinous?
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What king does Odysseus tell his journey to?

King Alcinous of the Phaeacians, Nausicaa's father.

How is The Odyssey a frame story?

There are multiple narrators: The bard tells the story of odysseus, while odysseus tell his story to king alcinous.

Who finds Odysseus and takes him to King Alcinous?

The person that finds Odysseus and takes him to King Alcinous is Navsicaa.

How does king alcinous treat Odysseus in his place even thoug he is a stranger?

king alcinous treat odysseus with rescpect.

King of phaeacia?

The king of Phaeacia in Greek mythology is Alcinous. He is known for helping Odysseus return home to Ithaca after his long journey in Homer's epic poem, the Odyssey. Alcinous is described as a wise and hospitable ruler.

What was king alcinous known for that was speacil?

King Alcinous helped Odysseus when his ship wrecked.

What king accepts Odysseus into his court?

king alcinous

How does Princess Nausicaa help Odysseus Why How is Odysseus received by King Alcinous?

Princess Nausicaa helps Odysseus by providing him with clothing and guidance when he washes ashore in Phaeacia. Odysseus is received warmly by King Alcinous who offers him hospitality and listens to his tale of adventures. Alcinous decides to help Odysseus return home.

Where does daughter of King Alcinous find Odysseus?

at a river

What was the name of King Alcinous daughter who first greeted Odysseus after he landed on the island?

When Odysseus arrives in Phaeacia the first person he meets is Nausicaa. Nausicaa is the daughter of King Alcinous and gives Odysseus clothes to wear.

To whom did Odysseus start telling his adventures?

Odysseus reaches the land of the Phaeacians and their kind king, Alcinoüs. The king’s daughter, Nausicaä, finds Odysseus, naked and filthy from sleeping on the ground, and leads him to the king. Received warmly, Odysseus tells the story of his wanderings.

Where does nausicaa daughter of king alcinous find Odysseus?

at a river