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Q: Why did Otto von Bismarck believe a war with France would help unify Germany?
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When did Germany unify into single empire?

October 3 1990

What did Otto von Bismarck mean by the phrase blood and iron?

It means that they would use blood (hard work, the power of the people) and iron (technology, weapons, etc) to succeed and unify the German territories.

Why does Hitler want the Suddenland?

Suddenland used to be part of the former German Empire and Hitler wanted to unify Germany and all German speakers.

How did Bismarck predicted that the great war will start in the east?

Bismarck knew that the great European war would erupt in the Balkans for several reasons. Germany's main ally in Europe was Austria-Hungary, but Austria was an empire in decline. She was grabbing land in the Balkans and didn't much care for the independence of her many minorities, such as the Croats, Poles, Czechs and Slovenes. At the same time, the Ottoman Empire had lost its centuries old dominance in the region and only controlled a narrow strip of land in Europe around Constantinople. The Austrians took fool advantage of this, and rather than having multiple independent Balkan states, she sought to annex many of them. The main target in Bismarck's age was Bosnia, as Austria bullied and attempted to annex them. Also during this time were the conflicting ambitions of Serbia. Serbia had expressed many times that they sought to completely unify the Balkan peninsula under their rule and create the state of Yugoslavia. This terrified Austria-Hungary, and the two countries nearly went to war a few times before 1914. The tensions in the Balkans were at boiling point, and Bismarck knew that war in the Balkans would most likely mean war for the rest of Europe. The web of alliances that spread across Europe would be dragged in. Russia was allied to Serbia, and France was allied to Russia. Germany and Italy were both allied to Austria-Hungary on the other hand, so if Austria attacked Serbia, or vice versa, it could drag everybody else into the war. Bismarck for saw this, and thus he predicted the war would begin in the correct place.

What country did Hitler first unify with Germany?

In February 1938, Adolf Hitler threatened to invade Austria unless Austrian Nazis were given important government posts. In March 1938, Hitler announced the Anschluss, or unification, of Austria and Germany. The answer is Austria

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What country did Otto von Bismarck unify?

Germany in 1871.

What regions in Europe were disputed territory between France and Germany as Otto von Bismarck tried to unify Germany?

The Alsace-Lorraine region was claimed by both France and Germany in the 19th century after the Franco-Prussian War. Bismarck went along with the German Emperor's position that Alsace-Lorraine should be annexed to form part of Germany.

Who was the Prime Minister of Germany who wanted to unify Germany using military strength?

Otto von Bismarck

Why did Otto von Bismarck want to unify Germany?

To get to the other side....the dark side >;]

What were Otto von Bismarck and Giuseppe Garibaldi comparable?

Both did a lot to unify their countries. I. e. Garibaldi Italy, Chancellor Bismarck Germany.

Who did Bismarck start a war in order to unify German states?

France - franco-prussian war

What way were Otto von Bismarck and Giuseppe Garibaldi comparable?

Both did a lot to unify their countries. I. e. Garibaldi Italy, Chancellor Bismarck Germany.

Bismarck push the German states into the Franco Prussian War to unify Germany?

c (world history e2020)

What was the central goal of the Prussian minister Otto Von Bismarck?

To unify Germany and to make Prussia a dominating power.

Why had earlier attempts failed at unifying Germany before Bismarck tried and How and why did Bismarck unify Germany?

Unification of Germany failed prior to Bismarck because there was not an agreed upon direction for that unification. The powers of Germany before unification attempted the process with the Frankfurt Assembly; however, it was unsuccessful because it established Germany as a federal union with a monarch to run it, but there was not support for that decision. Bismarck came into power a year after the Frankfurt Assembly and stated that unification of Germany would be through the use of military force. His plan to unify Germany began by instituting taxes which would fund Prussian forces. The next phase of Bismarck's plan was to use the Prussian army to unify Germany through three specific wars that strategically increased Prussia's power and gained the confidence and support of the German people for unification.

Why did Bismarck pioneer social reforms in Germany?

The thing in that Germany place was uh a Bismark thing and it was uh to get the unify workers in support of socialism. :) YAH