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There was a measure of disbelief in Penelope. She thought perhaps some man or god meant to trick and/or taunt her. The idea that her husband could be lost for 10 years after a 10 year war, and then still would mean to come back, and would actually arrive back was very unlikely.

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Q: Why did Penelope test Odyssey after he abandoned his disguise?
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Why isn't Odysseus recognized when he first arrives?

Odysseus isn't recognized when he first arrives home because he is disguised as a beggar. He purposely chooses to wear a disguise so that he can trick Penelope's suitors. When he confronts Penelope herself, he remains in this disguise to test whether she has forgotten about him, etc., though it is not certain whether Penelope was fooled at all or simply playing a sort of game with Odysseus.

Why does Odysseus suggest that Penelope test her maids?

While he was dressed as a beggar, he saw one of the maids consorting with Penelope's suitor. Odysseus suggested that Penelope test which of her maids are faithful to her and not her suitors.

Penelope's test of Odysseus in Book 23 of the Odyssey?

Penelope was talking to Odysseus and told her maid to move Odysseus' bed so this beggar (odysseus) could stay the night. (Odysseus' bed was made from an oak tree and would be almost impossible to move.) Therefore, Odysseus got really mad and thought she was living with another man who was very strong and could move it. Penelope then knew for sure that this was Odysseus.

What is Penelope doing at the end of book 20 in The Odyssey?

"This was her way of putting her husband to the test." Penelope does not believe that it is really her husband who has returned. She thinks that a God or something else may be pretending to be Odysseus. Since he constructed the bed himself of course he would know that it was built into a tree truck and essentially cannot be moved. The test is her passively saying that the bed is going to be moved, if Odysseus would not have questioned the moving of the bed then it would of lead her to believe that it indeed was not Odyssues. The "test" was a way for her to find out if it was truly Odyssues.

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How did Penelope find out the beggar was Odysseus?

Odysseus tells her so directly. Penelope then tests Odysseus, and he passes her test, confirming his identity.

What is Penelope's final test to prove her husband's identity?

Penelope's final test for Odysseus is to ask him to move their bed, which Odysseus built himself and knows cannot be moved because it is constructed from an olive tree trunk that is part of the structure of their home. Odysseus passes the test by revealing this secret detail, allowing Penelope to finally recognize him as her husband.

How does Odysseus know to return to Ithaca in disguise?

Odysseus returns to Ithaca in disguise as part of his own plan to test the loyalties of the men and women of Ithaca.

What is the Penelope ultimate test for Odysseus?

To tell her how there bedchamber is set up.Only Penelope and Odysseus know and a few servants bc Odysseus built it himself.

What was Penelope's test for Ulysses in the adventures of Ulysses?

The test was to string Ulysses bow and shoot it threw 12 firing hoops

What will the wnner of the test of the great bow get as a prize in the Odyssey?


How does Athena test Odysseus in the Odyssey?

saying that his bed is in the hall.