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Q: Why did Philemon and baucis not ask the gods for fame and power?
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In the story baucis and Philemon when do baucis and Philemon realizE that the strangers are gods?

When the gods fill up the bowl of wine magically.

Who are the characters in baucis and Philemon?

Baucis and Philemon are the titular characters in a Greek myth about an elderly couple who show hospitality to disguised gods Zeus and Hermes. Baucis is the wife, and Philemon is the husband. Together, they demonstrate the virtue of hospitality and are rewarded for their kindness.

What Gods visited Baucis and Philemon and taught them a valuable lesson?

Zues and Hermes

Why do Philemon and Baucis fail to recognize their guests Which character does recognize them?

Philemon and Baucis fail to recognize their guests, Zeus and Hermes, because the gods are in disguise. The character who does recognize them is their pet goose, which transforms into an eagle at the end of the story.

What was Baucis's and Philemon's wish to the gods?

Philemon says: "When we come to die, we may perish in the same hour and neither of us be left without the other."Hermes says: "It shall be as you desire."

What problem did the main character in Baucis and Philemon?

The main problem faced by the characters Baucis and Philemon in the myth is their poverty and humble living conditions. They have very little to offer to the disguised gods Zeus and Hermes when they come seeking shelter, but their kindness and hospitality lead to a miraculous reward.

At what point did baucis and Philemon realize they had been entertaining the gods?

when they saw that the bowl would not run low, that is why they started praying under silently

What is the summary for baucis and Philemon?

"Baucis and Philemon" is a Greek myth about an elderly couple who show kindness to disguised gods, Zeus and Hermes. As a reward for their hospitality, the couple's humble home is transformed into a grand temple, and they are granted their wish to die at the same time. This myth emphasizes the importance of hospitality, humility, and the rewards of showing kindness to others.

The old couple who illustrate true love and hospitality?

Jupiter and Mercury decide to test the hospitality of humans. They disguise themselves as poor travelers and knock on the doors of many houses, but no one will take them in. Finally they approach a small hut owned by Baucis and Philemon. The couple warmly invite the travelers inside and offer all their food and wine. Though it is not much, Baucis and Philemon explain that they are content with what they have because they love each other. Eventually, the gods reveal themselves. They destroy the rest of the town in a flood but spare Baucis and Philemon. Jupiter and Mercury also replace the hut with a large marble house. Baucis and Philemon ask the gods that when they die, they would like to die together. Many years later, in their old age, they are in the middle of a conversation when they notice leaves springing forth from their bodies. They turn into a conjoined tree-a linden and an oak both growing from one trunk.

In the story baucis and philemons how did the old couple please the gods?

Baucis and Philemon pleased the gods by showing kindness and hospitality to Zeus and Hermes, who were disguised as travelers seeking shelter. Despite their impoverished state, the couple shared their humble home and meager provisions with the strangers, demonstrating their selflessness and generosity. This act of hospitality earned them the favor of the gods and a reward for their virtue.

What are some Greek gods in disguise?

Many Greek gods go into disguise when interacting with mortals. Zeus often had love affairs with mortal women and often disguised himself. When the Greek gods wished to test mortals, they would disguise themselves as well, for example in the myth of Baucis and Philemon. Sometimes the gods disguised themselves as mortals, and sometimes as beasts.

In the baucis and Philemon why did the two gods come down to aerth?

They came to check on mankind's hospitality. They walked door to door asking people for food but no one let them in, often times locking the doors on them. However, when they reached the house of a poor family and were asked to come in.