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The conch symbolizes civilization

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Piggy said this because he believed that the other boys were no longer interested in the rules and order symbolized by the conch. He felt that they were more interested in satisfying their primitive desires for power and control, which was represented by the beast.

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Q: Why did Piggy say they didn't come for the conch They came for something else in the lord of the flies?
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What became of the conch in Lord of the Flies?

It broke when Piggy fell off the ledge and when the rock landed on both Piggy and the conch.

Who said i thought they wanted the conch in lord of the flies?


When does the conch in lord of the flies break?

The conch in "Lord of the Flies" breaks when Piggy is killed by Roger, who pushes a large rock that strikes Piggy and shatters the conch. This moment symbolizes the loss of order and civilization on the island.

Who is the first to say you dont need the conch anymore?

In "Lord of the Flies" by William Golding, Piggy is the first to suggest that they don't need the conch anymore. He argues that the conch has lost its power and influence over the boys.

Who has the conch in Lord of the Flies?

Piggy sees it, Ralph gets it, then it is passed around while people talk, and then Piggy is holding it when he dies

What do the boys have that is a symbol of the authority of the society they form?

In the lord of the flies the symbol of authority is the pink cream colored conch shell

In lord of the flies what does piggy suggest that Ralph should do with the conch shell?

Piggy suggests that Ralph should blow the conch shell to gather the boys and reestablish order and civilization on the island. He believes that the conch represents authority and should be used to maintain a sense of structure and unity among the group.

In lord of the flies why does Piggy encourage Ralph to blow the conch after the meeting breaks up?

Read the story -___-

How the conch is discovered?

In "Lord of the Flies" by William Golding, the conch shell is discovered by Ralph and Piggy while exploring the island. Piggy suggests using it to call the other boys, and it becomes a central symbol of authority and order throughout the novel.

Did Jack and some of his savages came to the shelters on the beach and steal the conch in the Lord of the Flies?

Yes, in "Lord of the Flies," Jack and some of his followers attack Ralph and Piggy at the shelters, resulting in Piggy's death and the theft of the conch. This symbolizes the complete breakdown of order and civilization on the island.

In the lord of the flies what happened at the same time the conch was broken?

At the same time the conch was broken in "Lord of the Flies," Piggy was killed by Roger, who pushed a large boulder onto him, causing his death. This event marked a turning point in the novel, signaling the complete breakdown of civilization and order on the island.

How is the conch destroyed in the Lord of the Flies?

the Conch is destroyed along with Piggy Page 181 " The rock struck Piggy a glancing blow from chin to knee; the conch exploding into a thousand white fragments and ceased to exist." Piggy is holding it up for order, and then Rodger leans all his weight onto the lever, than causes a bolder to fall; killing Piggy, the symbol for the adult world, and destroying the conch, the symbol for civilization. Jack then states that since there is no conch, then their tribes doesn't exist, he then proceeds to declare himself chief and tries to kill Ralph with his spear.