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After witnessing the grandeur of the Cardinal Archbishop of Munich who paid a visit to his city, five-year old Joseph Ratzinger decided at that time, he wanted to become a cardinal. Following a forced stint in the Nazi military, he and his brother entered the seminary of Saint Michael in Traunstein and were ordained June 29. 1951.

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He became pope because he was elected to the position in on April 19, 2005. He did not seek the papacy and did not want the job but accepted it as the will of God.

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Q: Why did Pope Benedict XVI become a priest?
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When did the Pope Benedict become a priest?

Benedict XVI was ordained on June 29, 1951.

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Because he sutdyed

What order of the priest was Pope Benedict XVI?

Pope Cardinal Archbishop Bishop Priest Deacon

Where did Pope Benedict XVI become a priest?

He was ordained at Freising, Germany, on June 29, 1951.

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If you are referring to Pope Benedict XVI, he was a priest and never married. He had no children.

When was Pope Benedict XVI ordained as a priest?

Joseph Ratzinger (later Pope Benedict) was ordained a priest on June 29, 1951.

Does Pope Benedict XVI have a brother?

Pope Benedict has a brother named Georg Ratzinger who is also a priest.

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Both were ordained together on June 29, 1951.

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Benedict XVI was the 265th pope of the Catholic Church.

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Pope Benedict XVI.

Where did Pope Benedict XVI become pope?

Vatican City

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Pope Benedict XVI was the 265th pope.