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Just Postponed (from 10th island to 11th island)

While Reality TV Island was removed as a scheduled destination (August 3, 2009), it was added again in February, 2010. The island was opened to Poptropica monthly members on February 24, 2010, and to general users on March 24, 2010.

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13y ago

its been on the map for 2 long and it was taking up 2 much space. It will be out on September 10th

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Q: Why did Poptropica cancel reality TV island?
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When reality tv island is coming out on poptropica?

Reality TV Island is already out.

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Was Reality TV Island Postponed?

Reality TV Island was replaced in the Poptropica schedule with "Counterfeit Island", which was released to the public on January 4, 2010.Reality TV Island will be the 11th poptropica Island in March, 2010. Early Access was announced for February 24, 2010, but is limited to the monthly members of the Poptropica site.

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in the tv shop