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Because he jumped up on stage at the grammys, took the microphone out of the girls hand who was giving an acceptance speech, and said Beyonce had the best video of the year. ??????????????????? Yeah, he is a jackass.

^ actually Taylor Swift was giving an acceptance speech because she won best video award and Kanye West go up on stage took the mic from her and said "yo,Taylor imma let you finish but beyonce had one of the best videos of all time ., like serious what a jackass he is so YAY for Obama !

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Q: Why did President Obama call Kanye West a jackass?
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Did Barack Obama call Kanye a jackass?

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you do have a point because as far as I'm concerned both joe wilsons behaviour and kanye west behaviour are on the same level. they both disrespectfully called out on president Obama and Taylor Swift. Although that's the case joe Wilson is getting heat for his actions, the same as kanye west. To me the person that will get affected the most is joe Wilson due to the fact that his campaign is still going on right now in South Carolina but the kanye west incident will sone be forgotten in a few months time. the biggest part is that politicians are in a whole different level then celebrities like kanye and swift.

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