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He felt that the soviets were intolerant of disent

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Q: Why did Richard Wright join the communist party?
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How much is it to join the Communist Party?

There is no specific monetary cost to individuals if you wish to join the Communist Party, anyone can join for free. It is more difficult to join the Communist Party in countries where the Communists are not in charge due to the negative view it receives (one example would be the USA).

Why might individuals join the Communist Party during the Hoover administration?

Government was not offering help to the unemployed, but the Communist Party did.

Which of this was not a result of red scare?

president harry truman spoke out against witch hunting

Tried to join the Communist party but was turned down?

Type your answer here... i don't know that is why i am at

In what year did Khrushchev join the Communist Party?

1918 The answer is correct, however, technically Khushchev actually joined the Bolshevik Party in 1918.

What organizations membership sharply increased as a result of the red scare and nativism?

It was popular to join the communist party.

Will a member of the US Communist Party ever be elected as president within the next fifty years?

No- The American Communist Party was essentially outlawed during the Cold War. The name has an extremely negative connotation. If a large number of Americans were to embrace the principles of Communism, they would not join the American Communist Party , but would take over a major party and campaign on an essentially Communist platform without ever mentioning the words "Communist" or "Marxist" in their ads. ( I can not predict whether the US will have a Marxist or extreme-left leaning president within the next 50 years.)

Why did more Americans join the communist party in the 1930 than any other time?

people started liking the idea of the government taking total care of them

When was Join Australia Movement Party created?

Join Australia Movement Party was created in 2010.

What are the membership fees to join a political party?

(in the US) there is no fee to join a political party.

Why do people join the Communist Party of China?

It's the only way to achieve any political success in China, and can at minimum prevent you from being prosecuted for several very arbitrary and obscure reasons.

What sentence you make with join in?

I wanna join in the party?