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Because she was black and had a gun

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Q: Why did Rosa refuse to move to the back of the bus?
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Did nelson Mandela refuse to sit at the back of a bus?

no that was Rosa Parks

What does Rosa Parks do?

Rosa Parks was a black rights activist. Black people were required to sit in the back of buses. Rosa sat in the front of a bus and refused to move to the back. Rosa was arrested. Rosa also lead a bus boycott.

When did Rosa parks refuse to get of the bus?

December 1,1955

What did Rosa parks do that caused a big stir?

She didn't move to the back of the bus

When did Rosa parks refuses to move to the back of the bus?

December, 1 1995

What woman changed the world by refusing to get off a bus?

I think you're talking about Rosa Parks, and she didn't refuse to get off the bus, she refused to take a seat in the back of the bus which was designated for blacks.

What year did she sit at the front of the bus?

Rosa Parks refused to move back in a bus to make room for a Caucasian male in 1955.

Why did Rosa park refuse to move her seat in the white section of a bus in Montgomery Alabama?

beacause the "white man" told her to get up and it was opposite day. so she didn't.

In what city did Rosa Parks refuse to give her bus seat to a white rider?


Where is the bus Rosa Parks got arrested on?

what doent make sense did you mean did Rosa parks get arrested on a bus? or that she did get arrested by sitting in the front of a bus where ususally the white people sat and she refused to move so she got arrested

What place did Rosa Parks refuse to switch seats on the city bus?

Somewhere in America, but where in America?

Did Rosa parks write a letter from jail?

One day, Rosa Parks had so much courage and strength that when her bus arrived to pick her up, she got on the bus, put her money in the slot, and sat in the front of the bus. Black people were supposed to sit in the back. The bus driver told her to move to the back, but she just sat there and refused to move. The driver called the police and they arrested Rosa Parks. In one day I think she didn't have the time to write a letter.