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He sees the deprivation that surrounds him

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Q: Why did Scrooge react as he did to the scene with the girl?
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What does Scrooge witness at the junk dealers shop and how does he react to this scene?

he sees his laundrete, House keeper and undertaker selling his belongings for a pitance and feels hurt and uneasy by the comments made about him

How did scrooge react when the bell tolled ''one'' and nothing happened?

Scrooge was initially self-satisfied that nothing had happened.

What was the first scene Scrooge and the spirit visited?

It was the site of his boarding school.

What did scrooge say to the ghost about the scene?

Scrooge asked the ghost if the scene they were witnessing pertained to the future.

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The Cratchits were outraged that Bob wanted to drink to Scrooge's health because they knew that Scrooge was underpaying Bob as well as mistreating him

What does Scrooge promise at the end of scene 4?

He will change and keep Christmas in his heart

What assurance does Scrooge beg the spirit to give him?

That the scene he has witnessed are scenes of what may be an not will be

Which ghost visits scrooge in act 1?

Jacob Marley is the very first ghost to visit Scrooge early in the production to set the scene for the remaining visitations

When does Scrooge finally realize the ghost is showing him his future?

Scrooge finally realizes the ghost is showing him his future when he sees the scene of his own death in "A Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens.

How does Scrooge initially react to the spirit what is his attitude?

He was scared and unwilling to accompany the spirit. Scrooge's attitude is one of terror when the spirit asks him to take his hand and take off into the sky.

Why does Scrooge say remove you after the ghost had shown him his wife?

Scrooge does nto see his wife, he didnt marry. he was telling the ghost to take him away from the scene of his breakup with Belle his betrothed

What are the release dates for Girl Girl Scene - 2010?

Girl Girl Scene - 2010 was released on: USA: 1 June 2010 (internet)