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Q: Why did Shakespeare write plays obout the Tower of London?
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What Shakespeare's plays features The Tower of London?

In Richard III, the Duke of Clarence and Richard's nephews are murdered in the Tower.

Where did Shakespeare write some of his plays?

Shakespeare wrote all of his plays in London. Where exactly in London is an open question.

Why wasn't Shakespeare plays performed in London?

They were. All of them were.

What city held the premieres of Shakespeare's plays?


What Shakespeare play had the London plague?

Plays don't catch diseases. There is no representation of an epidemic in any of Shakespeare's plays either.

What was a famous building used for many of Shakespeare's plays?

The Elizabethan theater was used for many of Shakespeare's plays.

What famous theater in London is known for Shakespeare plays?

the globe.....

How many plays did William Shakespeare write in London?


What city were most of Shakespeare's plays?

i think mos tof his plays where done in London

In which famous theatre in London were Shakespeare plays performed?

people say that Shakespeare played in the rose theater

Where were Shakespeare's plays first preformed?

They were performed in the Globe Theater in London.

What city with its many theaters held the premiers of shakespeare plays?
