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Socrates rejected exile because he believed in the importance of following his moral principles and convictions, even if it meant facing death. He felt that living an unexamined life or compromising his beliefs to avoid punishment would be a greater harm to his soul. Socrates believed in standing by his beliefs and facing the consequences with integrity.

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Q: Why did Socrates reject exile?
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Did Socrates committee suiciede?

Socrates did not commit suicide. He was sentenced to death by drinking a cup of hemlock as punishment for corrupting the youth of Athens and impiety. Socrates accepted his sentence and chose to die by drinking the poison rather than attempting to escape or accept exile.

Why didn't socrates choose exile?

Socrates believed that choosing exile would be an admission of guilt, which would go against his principles of living a just life based on truth and integrity. He feared that leaving Athens would mean abandoning his duty to challenge and educate the citizens, even if it meant facing death for his beliefs.

Did Socrates really left Greece with out a trace?

Following the trial of Socrates, the jury is said to have condemned Socrates to death by poison. Socrates, however, may have had the chance to flee this fate, by escaping out of Athens and living the remainder of his life as an exile. The Crito, is an explanation of the philosophical reasoning as to why Socrates chose to remain in Athens and face his death sentence rather than abandon his philosophical positions.

What did Socrates propose for his punishment?

Socrates proposed to pay a small fine as punishment for his crimes, rather than face exile or imprisonment. However, the jury decided on a harsher penalty and sentenced him to death by drinking poison (hemlock).

How was Socrates to be executed?

Socrates was executed by drinking a cup of poison called hemlock. He was found guilty of corrupting the youth of Athens and impiety towards the city's gods, and chose to accept the death penalty rather than go into exile.

Socrates was punished for his ideas by being forced to leave Athens and go into exile true or false?

True. Socrates was sentenced to death by drinking poison hemlock as punishment for his ideas, beliefs, and teachings that were deemed dangerous by the authorities in Athens.

What happened in the trial of Socrates?

Socrates was put on trial in ancient Athens for impiety and corrupting the youth. He was found guilty and sentenced to death by drinking poison hemlock. Socrates chose to accept his punishment rather than fleeing into exile, as he believed in upholding the laws of the city.

Who was sentenced to dealth for his teaching?

Socrates, the ancient Greek philosopher, was sentenced to death in 399 BC in Athens for corrupting the youth and impiety. He was given the option to choose exile or drink poison hemlock, and he chose the latter as a way to uphold his principles and teachings.

Who drank hemlock?

Socrates, the ancient Greek philosopher, famously drank hemlock as part of his execution for the charges of corrupting the youth of Athens and impiety towards the city's gods. He chose to fulfill his sentence rather than escape or go into exile, as a form of upholding his principles.

Why was socrates forced to drink poison?

Socrates was forced to drink poison, hemlock, because he was found guilty of corrupting the youth of Athens and impiety towards the city's gods. He refused to flee the city or accept exile, choosing instead to abide by the decision of the court and uphold his principles of justice and obedience to the law.

Why did people become angry with Socrates?

People became angry with Socrates because he questioned traditional beliefs, challenged the authority of the Athenian government, and was perceived as corrupting the youth with his philosophical teachings.

Why did Socrates reject the sophists?

Socrates rejected the sophists because he believed they were more concerned with winning arguments through rhetoric rather than seeking truth and wisdom. He saw their teachings as promoting relativism and skepticism, while he aimed to discover objective truths through philosophical inquiry and critical thinking.