


Socrates was a Greek, enigmatic philosopher who was famous for his contribution in ethics. He was Plato and Xenophon’s mentor and was acknowledged as one of the founders of Western philosophy.

1,338 Questions

What did Socrates have to do with Astronomy?

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Asked by Marabadmauw

Socrates did not have a direct influence on astronomy as he focused more on philosophy and ethics. However, his method of questioning and critical thinking has influenced scientific inquiry, including astronomy, by promoting skepticism and rigorous analysis of evidence.

What were the contributions of Socrates in optics?

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Asked by Wiki User

Socrates did not make any direct contributions to optics as his work mainly focused on ethics, philosophy, and logic. Optics as a field of study was developed later by scientists such as Alhazen and Euclid.

Why do people remember Nicolaus Copernicus?

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Asked by Wiki User

Nicolaus Copernicus is remembered for proposing the heliocentric model of the universe, which placed the Sun rather than Earth at the center. This revolutionized astronomy and challenged the prevailing geocentric view, leading to a major shift in scientific understanding. Copernicus's work laid the foundation for modern astronomy and our understanding of the cosmos.

Is Aristotle older then Socrates?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, Socrates was born around 470 BC while Aristotle was born around 384 BC, making Aristotle younger than Socrates.

Why is Socrates famous?

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Asked by Emery Sporer

he was a philosopher

Who was Socrates's mentor?

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Asked by Marilyne Corwin

Socrates was his own mentor - learning from discussions with the young men he mentored.

Where was Socrates born?

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Asked by Thelma Ward

Socrates was born in Athens, Greece, in 469 BC and died 70 years later in 399 BC after he was exiled from Greece for his new ways of teaching.

Where does Socrates live?

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Asked by Ethel Hauck

he lives in Portugal lisbon this time of year he is the portuguese prime minister

Where did Socrates grow up?

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Asked by Barrett Kunze

He Grown Up At Athens, Greece

Where did Socrates go to college?

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Asked by Melvina Wisoky

Colleges did not exist at that time.

When was Socrates born?

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Asked by Otis Rolfson

Athens, Greece, in 469 BC.

What is Socrates's birthday?

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Asked by Martina Kuhic

Socrates was born on February 19, 1954.

What is Socrates famous for?

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Asked by Heath Smitham

he is famous for his philosifer.

What did Socrates's parents do?

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Asked by Litzy Jaskolski

his mom(Phaenarete) was a midwife, which was someone(usually a woman) who helped people with child birth. His dad (Sophroniscus) was a stone cutter/carver who worked with stone.

What car does Socrates have?

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Asked by Ciara Parker

Socrates did not own a car as he lived in ancient Greece, where cars did not exist. He primarily traveled by foot or with the help of a horse-drawn carriage.

Is Socrates single?

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Asked by Brandyn McClure

No, Socrates is not single.

Is Socrates a Mormon?

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Asked by Fletcher Altenwerth

No, Socrates lived in ancient Greece around 400 BC, while Mormonism emerged in the 19th century in the United States. Socrates was a philosopher known for his contributions to Western philosophy, not associated with Mormonism.

How much does Socrates weigh?

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Asked by Mylene Gleichner

Socrates' weight is not known as there are no historical records that provide details on his physical characteristics. Additionally, weight is a sensitive topic and it is important to focus on his philosophical contributions rather than his physical attributes.

How did Socrates get people to consider the true meaning of qualities?

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Asked by Wiki User

Socrates used a method of questioning called the Socratic method to challenge people's assumptions and beliefs about qualities. By engaging in dialogue and asking probing questions, Socrates encouraged individuals to critically examine their own understanding of qualities, ultimately leading them to consider the true meaning of those qualities for themselves.

Was socrates made to drink hemlock cause he corrupted the minds of the young?

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Asked by Wiki User

Socrates was sentenced to drink hemlock by an Athenian jury for impiety and corrupting the youth. His method of questioning authority and encouraging critical thinking was seen as a threat to the stability of the city-state.

When Socrates compares Crito's opinions to his own he is using A. dialectic. B. controversy. C. redirect examination. D. formal debate.?

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Asked by Wiki User

A. dialectic. Socrates engages in a dialectical method of discussion with Crito by comparing their opinions and reasoning through arguments to reach a deeper understanding of the issue at hand.

What what Socrates motto?

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Asked by Wiki User

know thyself

Which best describes he socratic method?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Socratic method is a form of cooperative argumentative dialogue between individuals, based on asking and answering questions to stimulate critical thinking and illuminate ideas. It is commonly used to explore complex concepts and challenge assumptions through a process of inquiry and discussion.

Why did Socrates was arrested?

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Asked by Wiki User

Socrates was arrested and sentenced to death for corrupting the youth, impiety, and introducing new deities. He challenged the traditional beliefs and values of Athenian society, which ultimately led to his trial and conviction.