


Pythagoras was a Greek philosopher, mathematician and founder of Pythagoreanism religious movement. He was known for the Pythagorean Theorem and made influential contributions in the field of mathematics and natural philosophy.

943 Questions

Why did Pythagoras plant a flower in a cylindrical pot and place it on the top shelf but put empty cubical pots on a lower shelf?

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Pythagoras might have placed a flower in a cylindrical pot on the top shelf and empty cubical pots on the lower shelf to demonstrate the differences in volume and shape. The cylindrical pot on the top shelf might be more visually appealing and provide more space for the flower’s roots to grow, while the cubical pots on the lower shelf might be used for experiments or comparisons.

What was Pythagoras' contribution to astronomy?

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Pythagoras is known for his concept of the Harmony of the Spheres, where he believed that the movement of celestial bodies created harmonious sounds and vibrations. This idea influenced later astronomers and their understanding of the order and structure of the universe.

What did Pythagoras say about atoms?

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Pythagoras did not specifically discuss atoms, as the concept of the atom was developed by later philosophers like Democritus. Pythagoras focused on geometry, mathematics, and the concept of numbers as the essence of reality.

Where was Isacc newton burried?

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Isaac Newton was buried in Westminster Abbey in London, England. He is interred in a prominent location near the entrance to the choir in the abbey.

What is Philosophy according to Pythagoras?

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According to Pythagoras, philosophy is the pursuit of wisdom and knowledge through rational inquiry and contemplation. He believed that philosophy had the power to lead individuals to a deeper understanding of the world and themselves, which in turn would lead to a more meaningful and virtuous life.

Is man a bundle of emotions?

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Yes, humans are emotional beings and experience a wide range of emotions such as happiness, sadness, anger, and fear. Emotions play a significant role in shaping our thoughts, behaviors, and relationships.

What greek philosopher encouraged people to know thyself?

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The Greek philosopher who encouraged people to "know thyself" was Socrates. He emphasized self-awareness and self-examination as keys to living a virtuous life.

Which work of Plato's was most influenced by the mystical-scientific ideas of the Pythagoreans?

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"The Republic" is considered to be the work of Plato that was most influenced by the mystical-scientific ideas of the Pythagoreans. Plato incorporated Pythagorean concepts such as the importance of number, harmony, and the idea of an ideal form of the Good in his dialogue "The Republic."

When did Pythagoras become the first philosopher?

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Pythagoras is considered one of the first Greek philosophers, likely becoming known in the 6th century BC in ancient Greece. However, it is hard to pinpoint an exact date for when he became known as the first philosopher.

What is The Secret Society 3357H Southpark Place Grove City Ohio 43123?

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Asked by Raidersfan1

I do not have specific information about The Secret Society at 3357H Southpark Place in Grove City, Ohio. It could refer to a variety of organizations or groups with that name. I recommend contacting them directly for more information.

Did Pythagoras like pie?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes!!! Hev probably ate Cow pie or Apple pie.

Careful '

'pie' is the food that you eat .

'pi' is the constant of prportion of circles, which was known to Pythagoras.

What is the religious group of Pythagoras?

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Pythagoras founded a religious and philosophical community in Croton, known as the Pythagorean sect. They believed in the concept of metempsychosis (reincarnation), the sacredness of numbers, and the pursuit of spiritual purification through mathematics and ethics. The group also followed a strict set of rules and rituals.

Do essentialists aim to teach students to reconstruct society?

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No, essentialists focus on teaching students key knowledge and skills to prepare them for the workforce and society as it is currently structured. They prioritize traditional academic subjects and core skills over societal reconstruction.

What is morality of fame?

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The morality of fame relates to the ethical considerations surrounding how individuals attain, use, and respond to fame. It raises questions about the impacts of fame on personal values, social relationships, responsibilities to fans, and how fame is obtained (e.g., through ethical versus unethical means). The moral implications of fame may vary depending on factors such as authenticity, integrity, and the impact on others.

What is the importance to study of philosophy of man?

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Studying philosophy of man helps us understand the nature of humanity, our place in the world, and our relationship with others. It also helps us reflect on ethical questions, explore the meaning of life, and contemplate our existence and purpose as individuals. Ultimately, philosophy of man deepens our self-awareness and critical thinking skills.

Who was the first to publish a book on Pythagorean doctrine?

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The first to publish a book on Pythagorean doctrine was the Greek philosopher Xenophanes, who wrote about Pythagoras' teachings in the 6th century BCE.

Who is the mother of all sciences?

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Mathematics is often referred to as the "mother of all sciences," as it forms the foundation upon which many other scientific disciplines are built. Mathematics provides the language and tools for understanding and analyzing phenomena in various fields of study.

What are 2 facts about Pythagoras?

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Asked by Wiki User

  1. Pythagoras was a Greek mathematician and philosopher who lived in the 6th century BCE. He is most well-known for his theorem, known as the Pythagorean Theorem, which states that in a right-angled triangle, the square of the hypotenuse (the side opposite the right angle) is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides.

  2. Pythagoras founded a philosophical and religious school in ancient Greece known as the Pythagorean School. The school was known for its emphasis on mathematics, music, and the idea that numbers were the key to understanding the universe. Pythagoras and his followers believed in the concept of the harmony of the spheres, which linked mathematical ratios to the movement of planets and celestial bodies.

From which civilization did Pythagoras borrow the 'Pythagorean Theorem'?

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Pythagoras did not borrow the Pythagorean Theorem from any particular civilization. The theorem, which states that in a right-angled triangle the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides, was discovered by Pythagoras himself and is named after him.

What is Pythagoras's educational background?

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He spent the next 22 years perfecting himself in mathematics, astronomy, music, and was initiated into the Egyptian Mysteries. When Cambyses II, the king of Persia invaded Egypt in 525BC, he made Pythagoras his prisoner and sent him to Babylon. He utilized this misfortune as an opportunity for growth, and for the next 12 years he studied with the Magi and was initiated into the Chaldean Mysteries. Leaving Babylon, he made his way through Persia to India, where he continued his education under the Brachmanes. At that time India was still feeling the effects of the spiritual revival brought about by Gautama the Buddha. Although Pythagoras arrived in India too late to come into personal contact with the Buddha, he was greatly influenced by his teachings. He went to India a student, he left it as a teacher, and even to this day he is known in that country as Pitar Guru, and as Yavanacharya, the Ionian Teacher.

What are 10 Pythagorean triads using whole numbers?

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3,4,5;9,40,41;6,8,10;5,12,13;30,40,50;90,120,150;10,24,26 I think that is 10 if not 300,400,500 and 20,48,52