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Plantation owners were outraged that slavery had been outlawed in the territories.

People in the territories were angry that a new political party had been established.

Many Americans disagreed with the Supreme Court decision to limit slavery in the territories.

Opposing forces clashed because they disagreed about popular sovereignty and slavery.

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Q: Why did Stephen Douglas propose the Kansas Nebraska act lead to violence?
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Why did Stephen Douglas propose organizing the region west of Missouri and Iowa as the territories of Kansas nebraska?

For expanding nations.

Why did Stephen Douglas propose organizing the region west of Missouri and Iowa as the territories of kansas and nebraska?

For expanding nations.

In 1854 what did Stephen a Douglas propose?

He proposed a bill that divided the land west of Missouri into two territories, Kansas and Nebraska.

What did Stephen Douglas propose in the Kansas Nebraska act?

the Nebraska territory would open up and be divided into 2 states: nebraska and Kansas. originally, nebraska would have been the free state and kansas the slave state BUT nebraska and kansas would be decided by popular sovereignty

What did Stephen a Douglas propose letting the people decide about slavery?

popular sovereignty

Why did Senator Stephen Douglas propose the region west of Missouri and Iowa as the territories of Kansas and Nebraska?

Douglas was trying to work out a plan for the nation to expand that both the North and South would accept. This was the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854. But the concept of popular sovereignty led to armed conflict over the issue of slavery in Kansas.

What did Stephen Douglas propose in the Kansas-Nebraska act of 1854?

the nebraska territory would open up and be divided into 2 states: nebraska and kansas. originally, nebraska would have been the free state and kansas the slave state BUT nebraska and kansas would be decided by popular sovereignty

Why did Stephen Douglas propose repealing the Missouri Compromise?

Douglas wanted to abandon the Missouri Compromise because he wanted to put in place his own Kansas- Nebraska Act. This act would expand railroads and allow territories to choose for themselves if they wanted to be free or slave states.

Why did Stephen Douglas to propose organizing the region west of Missouri and Iowa as the territories of Kansas and Nebraska?

Stephen Douglas probably proposed such a plan mentioned above because of the concept of popular sovereignty where the people who reside in a territory that might become a state at a later date could decide for themselves whether they wanted slavery or not. This was 'democracy' in action that sounded good in theory but would have tragic consequences later when it was implemented in Kansas.

Why did Stephen Douglas propose doing away with the Missouri compromise?

Senator Douglas thought that a local vote - or 'popular sovereignty' - would be a better way of deciding for or against slavery in the new States.

Who led Douglas to propose abandoning the Missouri Compromise?

Cause he farted

How did the Kansas Nebrasca Act propose to deal with the issue of slavery Answer this?

The Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 proposed to use popular sovereignty to determine whether the territories of Kansas and Nebraska would allow slavery or not. This meant that the residents of each territory would vote on whether to permit slavery, which ultimately led to heightened tensions and violence between pro-slavery and anti-slavery factions.