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Q: Why did The Romans first set out to conquer several Etruscan cities?
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Why did the Romans conquered Etruscan cities?

Romans conquered Etrsucan cities because they liked the money and glory that came with war and once a city was defeated they could annex it and collect taxes from it. The Romans were able to conquer Etruscan cities because the Etruscans did not cooperate well with one another.

How did the attitude of Romans toward the Etruscan change over time?

The Romans respected theEtruscans even though some Etruscan cities fought against Rome and Etruscan civilisation begun to fade whenEtruriabecame an economic backwater asRomebecame the hub of trade ofItaly. There were men who reached high positions in theofficesof state and in the army of Rome who were of Etruscan origin and were proud of it. The Romans saw them ashonorablemen.

How did the attitude of the Romans toward the Etruscan's change over time?

The Romans respected theEtruscans even though some Etruscan cities fought against Rome and Etruscan civilisation begun to fade whenEtruriabecame an economic backwater asRomebecame the hub of trade ofItaly. There were men who reached high positions in theofficesof state and in the army of Rome who were of Etruscan origin and were proud of it. The Romans saw them ashonorablemen.

Were the Arabs Romans?

No, Arabs were never in there past Romans, But The Romans did conquer Arab land in the past and built several cities in Arab land, So one might think that Arabs were once Romans but actually they aren't (because of architecture of the buildings)

How did the attitude of roman toward the Etruscan's change over time?

The Romans respected theEtruscans even though some Etruscan cities fought against Rome and Etruscan civilisation begun to fade whenEtruriabecame an economic backwater asRomebecame the hub of trade ofItaly. There were men who reached high positions in theofficesof state and in the army of Rome who were of Etruscan origin and were proud of it. The Romans saw them ashonorablemen.

How did the Romans attitude towards the etruscans change over time?

The Romans respected theEtruscans even though some Etruscan cities fought against Rome and Etruscan civilisation begun to fade whenEtruriabecame an economic backwater asRomebecame the hub of trade ofItaly. There were men who reached high positions in theofficesof state and in the army of Rome who were of Etruscan origin and were proud of it. The Romans saw them ashonorablemen.

How did the attitude of Romans towards the Etruscans change over time?

The Romans respected theEtruscans even though some Etruscan cities fought against Rome and Etruscan civilisation begun to fade whenEtruriabecame an economic backwater asRomebecame the hub of trade ofItaly. There were men who reached high positions in theofficesof state and in the army of Rome who were of Etruscan origin and were proud of it. The Romans saw them ashonorablemen.

Attitude of How did the Romans toward the etruscans change over time?

The Romans respected theEtruscans even though some Etruscan cities fought against Rome and Etruscan civilisation begun to fade whenEtruriabecame an economic backwater asRomebecame the hub of trade ofItaly. There were men who reached high positions in theofficesof state and in the army of Rome who were of Etruscan origin and were proud of it. The Romans saw them ashonorablemen.

How did the Romans attitude toward the etruscans change over time?

The Romans respected theEtruscans even though some Etruscan cities fought against Rome and Etruscan civilisation begun to fade whenEtruriabecame an economic backwater asRomebecame the hub of trade ofItaly. There were men who reached high positions in theofficesof state and in the army of Rome who were of Etruscan origin and were proud of it. The Romans saw them ashonorablemen.

How did the attitude of Romans toward the Etruscans changed over time?

The Romans respected theEtruscans even though some Etruscan cities fought against Rome and Etruscan civilisation begun to fade whenEtruriabecame an economic backwater asRomebecame the hub of trade ofItaly. There were men who reached high positions in theofficesof state and in the army of Rome who were of Etruscan origin and were proud of it. The Romans saw them ashonorablemen.

How did the Romans toward the Etruscans change over time?

The Romans respected theEtruscans even though some Etruscan cities fought against Rome and Etruscan civilisation begun to fade whenEtruriabecame an economic backwater asRomebecame the hub of trade ofItaly. There were men who reached high positions in theofficesof state and in the army of Rome who were of Etruscan origin and were proud of it. The Romans saw them ashonorablemen.

How did the attitude of Romans toward the Etruscans change overtime?

The Romans respected theEtruscans even though some Etruscan cities fought against Rome and Etruscan civilisation begun to fade whenEtruriabecame an economic backwater asRomebecame the hub of trade ofItaly. There were men who reached high positions in theofficesof state and in the army of Rome who were of Etruscan origin and were proud of it. The Romans saw them ashonorablemen.