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Because the Titans hated the gods, and the gods hated the Titans, so the gods wanted rid of the titans. They used Kronos' scythe to cut him to bits and sent him to Tartarus.

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Q: Why did Zeus and the other Greek gods destroy the titans?
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Who was the ruler of the Greek gods?

Zeus was the ruler of the Greek Gods and Kronos was the ruler of the Titans.

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Zeus and one of the titans Leto

Who is Angry with Zeus or locking the titans in tartarus?

The Greek goddess Gaea

Which Zeus imprisoned the Titans?

Zeus, King of Heaven/Olympians, son of Cronus and Rhea. In Greek myth, there is only one Zeus.

What war was the titans and gods in?

the trojen war is where hades destoid 3 titens and Zeus destiod cronus and posidon destriod 2-3 titens and all the other gods helped destroy all of the other titans

Who was angry with Zeus for locking the Titans in tartarus?

Gaea was mad at Zeus for having locked the Titans in Tartarus. Gaia is the Greek Mother Goddess, and Terra is her Roman equivalent.

What is Zeus' importace?

Zeus was the main god of greek mythology, without him the terrible Titans in greek mythology would still be ruling with an iron fist.

Was Zeus the king of the Greek Gods?

Yes he was the king of the Greek Gods. Zeus was king of the Olympians. The earlier Greek gods were the Titans, and Kronos (father of Zeus) was their king. When referring to the Greek pantheon, it is generally always the Olympians who are referred to.

What does Zeus have to do with the titans?

Zeus and the other eldest geek gods where the children of Kronos,the king of the titans. He is also the titan of time.

How did the war began between the titans and Zeus?

Zeus and the other gods got tierd of being pushed around by the titans and the gods attacked the titans and killed them.