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Q: Why did affranchis decide to leave Haiti after its independence?
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Why did the affranchis and French aristocrat decide to leave Haiti after its independence?

They feared revenge from the newly freed slaves.

Why did the affranchis and french aristocrats decide to-leave haiti after its independence?

They feared revenge from the newly freed slaves.

Why did French aristocrats and some affranchis decide to leave Haiti after its independence?

they feared revenge from newly freed slaves

Why did the french aristocrats and some affranchis decide to leave haiti after its independent?

Many French aristocrats fled Haiti after independence due to the loss of their plantations and wealth. Some affranchis, who were free people of color who had gained certain privileges under French rule, left due to the deterioration of their social status and rights in the new independent Haiti.ного.

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That date is unknown.

Why did people leave haiti?

Haitians left because of earthquakes, and the reign of Papa Doc who was the 40th president of Haiti who tortured and killed many Haitians.

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What events and conditions caused people to leave Haiti?

because people wants a better life for them and their children

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