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Annemarie decided to tell Ellen the truth about Aunt Birte to protect her from potential danger. She wanted Ellen to know about the dangers of the situation so that she could be prepared and stay safe. It was a difficult decision, but Annemarie believed honesty was important in protecting her friend.

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Q: Why did annemarie tell Ellen the truth about aunt birte?
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Why didn't Annemarie tell Ellen the Truth about aunt birte?

Annemarie didn't tell Ellen the truth about Aunt Birte because it was a dangerous secret that could put Ellen's life at risk. The less Ellen knew about the situation, the safer she would be. Annemarie was trying to protect Ellen from the dangers of the Nazi occupation.

Why didnt annemarie tell Ellen the truth anout aunt birte?

because of what uncle Henrik told her in the barn its better to know little

What was the purpose of aunt birte s funeral in number the stars?

She was the fake great-aunt of Annemarie.

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Annemarie accuses Uncle Henrik of lying to her about Great Aunt Birte because she never accepted the idea that the family's elderly relative had emigrated to the U.S. Instead, Annemarie learned the truth about what happened to Great Aunt Birte during the war when she visited Uncle Henrik and his family at their seaside home.

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great aunt birte is not real

What is the surprise Ellen receive during the funeral of great aunt birte?

During the funeral of Great Aunt Birte, Ellen receives a letter revealing that Birte had left her a significant inheritance in her will. This surprise inheritance changes Ellen's life and sets off a chain of events in the story.

What was most shocking to Annemarie about the death of Great-aunt Birte?

Annemarie was shocked that they had kept the death of Great-aunt Birte a secret from her. She was also surprised by her mother's emotional reaction to the news and the realization of the dangers faced by their Jewish friends.

What surprise does Ellen get at great aunt birte funeral?

Ellen unexpectedly inherits her great-aunt Birte's old house and all its contents at the funeral. This surprise bequeathment sets off a chain of events that leads Ellen on a journey of discovery about her family's past.

Why do uncle gentil and Mrs. Johansen lie to Annemarie about great aunt birte?

your mother

What did Annemarie learn about aunt bite?

Annemarie learned that Aunt Birte, who was a teacher, was captured by the German soldiers and executed for her involvement in the Danish Resistance. Her death served as a stark reminder of the risks involved in resisting the Nazis.

Why did Annemarie believe there was no aunt birte?

Annemarie believed there was no Aunt Birte because she remembered that her aunt had died many years ago. She knew her family well and was confident that there was no one named Aunt Birte in their family.

What did annemarie do with ellens necklace chapter 7 of Number the Stars by Lois Lowry?

In chapter 7 of "Number the Stars," Annemarie hides Ellen's Star of David necklace in a handkerchief and tucks it into the coffin of Great-aunt Birte. She does this in order to keep the necklace safe and hidden from the Nazis.