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This occurred due to the fact that the first manufacturer of thalidomide was a German pharmaceutical company - which first sold this drug in October of 1957. This was followed by British approval of the drug. Subsequently, over the next ten years or so, about 2,500 "thalidomide babies" were born in Germany, and about 2,000 in Great Britain. The birth defect is called phocomelia, a shortening of the limbs, in which they appear to look like the flippers on a seal.

Also, the FDA did not approve thalidomide in the U.S. (although quite a few tablets found their way to the U.S., despite the FDA ban).

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Q: How did thalidomide cause birth deformities?
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Why was thalidomide withdrawn?

Thalidomide was marketed as an aid for nausea and for pregnant women to prevent morning sickness. Thalidomide was withdrawn because it was found to cause birth defects in newborns, such as missing limbs, it also caused peripheral neuropathy (nerve damage) in long time users. Thalidomide still being used as a treatment option for various forms of cancer.

Definition of congenital deformities?

Congenial deformities are given at birth. You are to be born with the deformity for it to be considered as congenial.

Did they trail the drug thalidomide?

Yes - there are thousands of deformed people as proof of the Thalidomide trials ! The drug Thalidomide was initially marketed as a cure for 'morning sickness' associated with early pregnancy. HOWEVER - the drug also caused deformities in the developing embryos, resulting in mental an physical abnormalities. There was a huge legal battle to get the makers of Thalidomide to accept responsibility for the flaw in their product. See the related link to Wikipedia for a detailed article on the drug - and its consequences.

What is thalidomide?

Thalidomide is a drug that was prescribed to pregnant women in the 60's ish to relieve the symptoms of morning sickness that was later discovered to cause birth deformities (particularly malformed limbs). -a sedative and hypnotic drug; withdrawn from sale after discovered to cause severe birth defects because it inhibits angiogenesis -Thalidomide is a sedative-hypnotic, and multiple myeloma medication. The drug is a potent teratogen in rabbits and primates including humans -A drug that was sold during the late 1950s and 1960s as a sleeping aid, and to pregnant women as an antiemetic to combat morning sickness and ... -tranquilizing drug that can have a teratogenic effect on the auditory system of the developing embryo when taken by the mother during pregnancy ... -A drug being investigated for its potential as an angiogenesis inhibitor. -An emblematic example of a chemical applied to health. Its use in treating sickness during pregnancy in the 1960s resulted in birth defects. The birth defects were caused because thalidomide changes the growth and development of new blood vessels (angiogenesis) in the developing babies. ... -A drug rarely used because of its disastrous side effects in pregnancy, but proving useful in some lupus with severe skin lupus. -A drug to help morning sickness that was withdrawn in 1961 after it was found to cause limb deformities in babies born to women who had taken it -drug which is a powerful human teratogen. First synthesized in Germany in 1954 as a new antihistamine, the drug was found to be a safe.

Will taking lorcets hurt a pregnant woman's baby?

yes it will cause birth deformities in the babies chest and facial region. Can also cause downs and spinal meningitis, stillbirth, and miscarriage

What are the dangers of isotretinoin?

Isotretinoin can cause serious birth defects, including mental retardation and physical deformities. This medicine should not be used during pregnancy.

How is the thalidomide is treated today?

There is no treatment for Thalidomide. It is a birth deformity caused by the drug Thalidomide, taken during pregnancy. The treatment is NOT to take Thalidomide. It has obviously been banned, since finding the connection between it and birth defects in the 1950's. With modern levels of political correctness, those that suffer from birth defects are treated very well and with respect. Most sufferers manage to adapt to their circumstances very well and lead mostly normal lives. The defects are not genetic and sufferers can have normal offspring.

Why was thalidomide prescribed to a pregnant women?

Doctors often prescribed Thalidomide to pregnant women to treat morning sickness and as a sedative to assist with sleep. Thalidomide was sold from 1957 until 1961. The product was withdrawn when it was discovered that Thalidomide was teratogenic - causing malformations of an embryo or foetus. Countless babies were born with birth-defects; most notably missing limbs.

What does developmental deformity mean?

There are two general types of deformities: congenital (present from birth, and sometimes called birth defects) and developmental deformities. In some cases, a deformity can go virtually unnoticed and does not impact on a the person's (or animal's) way of life. Developmental deformities are those that an individual acquires or develops anytime after birth as a result of injury, accident, infection, disease, or aging.

What are some of the factors that may cause deformities in the toes?

Genetic. All three toe deformities may be hereditary. Poorly fitted shoes