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In 1948 a system was introduced. It was Apartheid. It was made to keep difference between the races and give an advantage to the white people. The habitants were divided into different categories. Black, white and coloured. A person from a category couldn't marry another person from another category. The towns were distributed into areas, only members of racial groups could live there. Many people died and got wounded while Apartheid had the power. Many rules were made, that made it difficult for the black people to live there. Some of the rules were; Pass Laws made it illegal for the black people to travel around in some of the areas. Homelands were made for the black people. They weren't allowed to settle permanently in areas outside the homelands. Black male workers had to live in areas outside the big cities. The areas were called Township, the workers had to live there alone, without there family. To secure that the black people weren't in a area too long they had to have passes. And to secure the other things I just wrote. Hope it could help ! :P

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Q: Why did black people have passes during apartheid?
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