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This is the way they work, they start off being nice to work there way into your heart then when they have you the way they want you they slowly work through being abusive to control you

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Q: Why did boyfriend only start being emotionally abusive suddenly after months of happiness?
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How can you tell your boyfriend he is emotionally abusive?

smacking people hahhahahahaaa

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to control you. abusers want total control

What do you do when your boyfriend is emotionally abusive yet shows love for you like caring for your welfare?

Don't be an idiot. Leave. Now.

Would you tell an ex boyfriend that was emotionally abusive that you knew he cheated when you were together?

I guess the real question is why are you still talking to an ex boyfriend who was emotionally abusive? You can tell him anything you want, but it won't change him. The best thing to do is to figure out why you were attracted to someone who abused you and cheated on you. A therapist or counselor can probably help you sort it out. Do it NOW...before you marry someone like him and have his children....then you will just continue the cycle.

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Is your boyfriend abusive?

Many BFs, or boyfriends, are not abusive. If a boyfriend is abusive, the girl should leave the relationship and file charges. Do not keep going back to an abuser.

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you must get out of abusive relationships. Boyfriend must never be abusive !

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Get rid of the spouse, or move away...

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My husband is verbally abusive?

If your husband is verbally and emotionally abusive, you can break the negative cycle by seeking the services of a family counselor or filing for divorce.

What does it mean when an emotionally abusive man says he does not love you anymore?

An emotionally abusive man (or woman) is not capable of true, pure love. The person does this to you because he or she lacks self esteem, as hard as that may seem to understand. Saying he doesn't "love" you anymore is another way for him to emotionally and mentally abuse you.

If your boyfriend tells you he'd never hurt you or hit you but he'll make fun of you or he'll grab your wrists really tight because you keep walking away from you is he abusive?

GET OUT OF THIS SITUATION NOW!!!!!! this kind of behavior IS ABUSIVE..... TELL AN ADULT.... I WISH YOU ALL THE HAPPINESS IN THE WORLD (and this situation is not giving that to you)!!