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Democracy had its roots in the city-state of Athens, where a people, tired of being exploited by ts aristocracy, was led by Cleisthenes to form an assembly of the lower classes to make the decisions of government. This idea spread to many other Greek city-states and for a period became the norm. This Greek idea was taken up in Rome where popular assemblies dictated the government decisions. They faded for a couple of thousands of years but re-emerged in modern times in parliamentary government in modern times.

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Greece is called the cradle of democracy because ancient Greeks and especially Athenians, invented the system of democracy and practiced it for the first time in history.

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12y ago

It didn't really... It started much before in many other places. Your just being brainwashed to think the hellenistic way (Greek loving). Look it up...

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Q: Why is greece the cradle of the western civilization?
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