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Dinosaurs first evolved during the Triassic, when all the continents were joined together. Hence, the spread to all continents. When the continents split apart, dinosaurs still lived on all of them.

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Q: Why did dinosaurs travel to all continents?
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Related questions

Which continents have dinosaurs been found on?

All of them.

How did the dinosaurs become distributed on all continents?

Dinosaurs first evolved when all the continents were joined together as Pangaea. When the continents split up, they already lived on all of them. At times, land bridges connected continents, such as Asia or Europe to North America, during which times dinosaurs from each continent would spread to the other.

What was the world like when dinosaurs were alive?

All the continents were together.

Where did all dinosaurs live?

most of the dinosaurs lived everywhere but when the continents split they became extintdinosaur lover!!!!!!!!.......... :~) novanet

Why are dinosaur fossils in every country?

because in the time of the dinosaurs all of the continents were together in a super continent called Pangaea. Afterwards the continents spread apart taking the dinosaurs with them

What dinosaurs came from Australia and where could they be found?

Dinosaurs were everywhere because the continents were all smooshed together witch is called Pangea. Dinosaurs would rome and rome every continent.

Where did the dinosaurs herbivores live?

Herbivorous dinosaurs lived on all continents throughout the entire Mesozoic era. This includes Antarctica, which was not covered by an ice cap at that time.

What dose prehistoric mean?

Before recorded history. Such as dinosaurs, fosils, the formation of the continents are all prehistoric.

Where did the dinosaurs live at the time they went extinct?

All over. No continent or major island that didn't have its dinosaurs. Of course, for most of the "age of the dinosaurs" the continents were joined, so it was possible to walk just about everywhere.

Where are dinosaurs from?

Dinosaurs have lived on all continents. They lived between 252 million years age and 65.5 million years ago.

Where did theropods live?

Theropod dinosaurs are known from all continents. They first evolved in Pangaea 225 million years ago before the continents broke up, and hence they lived on all continents until their extinction 65.5 million years ago.

True or false dinosaurs have been found on all continents?

true there are dinosaurs on the world over 230 dinos have been found besides sharks eagles and crocodiles True because 700 dinosaurs have been named.