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Q: Why did divisions emerge within American society during the 1920s?
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a new and different society will emerge from the blending of cultures

When did American two party system begin to emerge?

The two party system began to emerge during the ratification of the constitution in 1824, shortly before the Civil War.

When did the American two-party system begin to emerge?

The two party system began to emerge during the ratification of the constitution in 1824, shortly before the Civil War.

Which century did global divisions begin to emerge on the basis of whether or not nations had more advanced technology?

This would be in the 18th or the 19th century. This is during the Industrial revolution when everyone was trying to have the most stuff.

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In Chapter 1 of "Lord of the Flies," social classes do not explicitly emerge among the boys. They are all initially depicted as schoolboys from different backgrounds who have crashed on a deserted island. However, hints of potential class divisions based on age, physical appearance, and leadership qualities among the boys start to emerge as the story progresses.

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The equites were an entrepreneurial class of bankers, moneylenders, merchants, investors of shipping and mining, public works contractors, and (during the late republican period) tax collectors. Thy were the second highest order in Roman society. They did not emerge after the conquests. They existed before the conquests and became wealthy during the conquests (these occurred over many centuries).

What are the three divisions of prehistory?

The three divisions of prehistory are the Paleolithic, Mesolithic, and Neolithic periods. These divisions are based on changes in technology, lifestyle, and social organization among ancient human societies. The Paleolithic is characterized by the use of stone tools, the Mesolithic marks a transition period, and the Neolithic is when agriculture and settled communities began to emerge.

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How does technology shape society?

Technology is a very big and important part of today's society. As technological advancements emerge, people grow along with them and use them to become more in touch with society as a whole.

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