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Early Americans were isolated from the rest of the world due to geographical barriers like oceans and mountains, which limited contact with other societies. This isolation allowed them to develop in ways similar to other early humans through independent innovations and adaptations to their environment. They faced similar challenges such as securing food, building shelter, and establishing social structures, leading to comparable strategies and solutions.

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Q: Why did early Americans isolated from the rest of the world developed in ways similar to other early humans?
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Identify the branch of early humans that developed about 35000 years ago and resembled modern europeans?

The branch of early humans that developed about 35,000 years ago and resembled modern Europeans were the Cro-Magnon people. They were anatomically similar to present-day humans, with high foreheads, broad faces, and narrow noses. Cro-Magnon humans were skilled hunters and artists, known for their cave paintings and sophisticated tools.

What is a person who studies how humans developed and how they related to one another?

An anthropologist studies human development and how humans relate to one another in different cultures and societies. They analyze social customs, beliefs, and behaviors to gain insights into the diversity of human experiences.

What are humans and their human like ancestors called?

Humans and their human-like ancestors are called hominins. This includes species such as Homo sapiens (modern humans) and other related species that have characteristics similar to humans.

What branch of early humans was developed about 35000 years ago resembling modern Europeans?

The Cro-Magnon branch of early humans, who lived in Europe between 35,000 and 10,000 years ago, are often said to closely resemble modern Europeans in terms of physical characteristics. They were skilled hunter-gatherers, created elaborate art and tools, and had a similar skeletal structure to present-day Europeans.

What is the skills of early humans and the skills of modern humans are?

Early humans had skills such as tool making, hunting, gathering, and basic communal living. Modern humans have developed skills in technology, communication, collaboration, problem-solving, and critical thinking. Both rely on social interactions and adaptation, but modern humans have greater access to resources and knowledge.

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Identify the branch of early humans that developed about 35000 years ago and resembled modern europeans?

The branch of early humans that developed about 35,000 years ago and resembled modern Europeans were the Cro-Magnon people. They were anatomically similar to present-day humans, with high foreheads, broad faces, and narrow noses. Cro-Magnon humans were skilled hunters and artists, known for their cave paintings and sophisticated tools.

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Yes, African Americans are humans. They are the same as any other person in the world.

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How humans are similar?

humans are similar together by their feelings and by their cultures and they all have humanity and good luck!

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Most simians have a similar skeleton to humans.

What makes an animal an animal and not a human?

HUMANS belong to a different extant genera species homo sapiens. Although some hominids maybe similar to some humans with 70% similar DNA marker they are animals in social behavior and should not be considered humans who have developed a more refined social interaction and vocalization for speech .Humans have a distinct cognitive neural cortices network matrix domain that enables humans to think and rationalize all concepts in higher order embed assimilation and recall process not present/weak in animals.

Can humans be wolves?

If you have a sufficiently developed imagination you can be anything.