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Esperanza identified with the four skinny trees because she felt a connection to their struggle for survival in a harsh environment. The trees mirrored Esperanza's own feelings of being trapped and struggling to grow in a challenging neighborhood. She saw herself in the trees, feeling small and vulnerable yet determined to thrive despite the odds against them.

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Q: Why did esperanza identify with the four skinny trees in front of her house?
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With what object or objects in the neighborhood does Esperanza identify most closely in The House on Mango Street?

the four trees in her front yard

What is a sentence of personification in the four skinny trees?

One example of personification in "The House on Mango Street" is when Esperanza describes the four skinny trees as “unclenched fists” reaching for the sky.

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Esperanza wants a real house. A house that has stairs, a house where you can take a shower without telling anyone, ect

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In the story of the House on Mango Street, the friends of Esperanza were Cathy and Sally.

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Who was Esperanza named after?

Esperanza was named after the main character, Esperanza Cordero, in the book "The House on Mango Street" by Sandra Cisneros.

What happens to esperanza father?

In "The House on Mango Street" by Sandra Cisneros, Esperanza's father passes away from a terminal illness. His death greatly impacts Esperanza and her family, leading to changes in their lives and relationships.

What does Esperanza in House on Mango Street compare her hips to?

Esperanza compares her hips to a small and sad-looking table.

What is the inciting incident on the house on mango street?

The inciting incident in "The House on Mango Street" is when Esperanza and her family move into a new house on Mango Street. This event sets off a series of experiences and reflections that shape Esperanza's coming-of-age journey and her understanding of her identity and place in the world.

How are nenny and esperanza different?

Nenny is younger and more naive than Esperanza in "The House on Mango Street". Nenny relies on Esperanza for guidance and protection while Esperanza is more independent and yearns for a better life outside of Mango Street.

Who is nenny in the house on mango street?

Nenny is Esperanza's younger sister in "The House on Mango Street" by Sandra Cisneros. Nenny is one of Esperanza's closest companions as they navigate life in their neighborhood. She is depicted as naive and innocent, contrasting with Esperanza's more introspective and observant nature.

What did papa leave Esperanza in the will?

In the will, Papa left Esperanza money to cover her education and medical expenses. Additionally, he left her his house and the responsibility of taking care of the family.