

Why did fashion change from the 1950?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: Why did fashion change from the 1950?
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How did the fashion change from 1950 to 1960?

because some actors made costumes and it spread all over the world

How did the fashion change since the 1950's until now?

There use to be hippes and mini skits use to be very poplae

How did the fashion change since the 1950's?

The world war two ended in 1945, and by the 1950s there was more technology available and everyone wanted to celebrate the victory.

How do you do a fact file of britain's fashion since 1950?

simple just write fashion since 1950 and then write they had old clothes and finished and if this doesn't help go on a different page

Who are the French fashion designers of the 1950's?

Coco Chanel set the fashion for the 'tailleur'.

What was men's fashion like in between 1945-1950?

Men's fashion between 1945 and 1950 varied according to various continents. In Africa, people still wore skins and hides. Generally the men's fashion during the time can be described as conservative.

When was the Giovani fashion label founded?

The Giovani fashion label was found in the early 1950's and is still in fashion today. Many people still wear the Giovani fashion and collect them as well.

How does fashion influence change?

The only thing fashion influences changes in is the clothes people wear, fashion is more a expression of change than a vehicle of it.

What are 1900-1950's fashion trends?

Big Hair Swing Clothes

Did the fashion designer Andre Courreges go to fashion school?

No, the fashion designer Andre Courreges did not go to fashion school. He actually studied to become a civil engineer. He did work with Jeanne LaFaurie and he was apprenticed to Balenciaga in 1950.

How did the fashion of 1960s change todays society?

Todays Fashion is more attractive and revealing then the fashion of 1960s.

What was the main fashion magazine in the 1950's?

The main fashion magazine in the 1950's was 'Life' magazine. This magazine featured the news stories from all over the world, including all the latest fashion trends from Paris. Paris, at that time, was the place to go to see all the new clothing styles.