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he wanted to find his fortune

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โˆ™ 13y ago
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โˆ™ 2d ago

Francisco de Coronado believed that the Seven Cities of Gold, also known as Cibola, held immense wealth and riches that would bring him glory and fortune. He was also driven by the desire to expand Spanish influence and spread Christianity in the New World.

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Q: Why did francisco de coronado want to find the seven cities of gold?
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Why didn't coronado find the seven cities of gold?

Coronado did not find the Seven Cities of Gold because they were legendary and likely never existed. The stories of the cities were more of a myth or exaggeration rather than based on actual locations. Coronado's expedition did explore the American Southwest but did not discover the fabled cities.

Purpose of francisco coronado's expedition?

The purpose of Francisco Coronado's expedition was to search for the legendary Seven Cities of Gold, also known as Cibola. Coronado hoped to find vast wealth and riches, as well as expand Spanish influence and control in the region. Despite not finding the cities he was searching for, Coronado's exploration opened up new territories for Spain and laid the foundation for future colonization and settlement.

What did Francisco Vasquez De Coronado bring back?

Francisco Vasquez de Coronado brought back stories of the Seven Cities of Gold, but did not find them. His expedition also brought horses and new knowledge of the Southwest region of North America.

Who was the Spanish explorer who heard stories about the seven cities of gold and set of to find them?

= Francisco Vasquez de Coronado =

What was Francisco de Coronado's contribution to the discovery of America?

Francisco de Coronado was a Spanish explorer who led an expedition in search of the Seven Cities of Gold in what is now the southwestern United States. Although he did not find the fabled cities, Coronado's journey helped expand European knowledge of the American Southwest and opened the door to further exploration and colonization of the region.

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Why did Francisco Coronado explored the Southwest?

To find the seven cities of gold

In 1540 who set out to find the Seven Cities of Gold?

Francisco Coronado

Did francisco vasquez de coronado actually ever find the seven cities of cibola?

no Francisco Coronado found it

What did francisco vazque z de coronado fail to do?

find the seven cities of gold

Why was francisco coronado sent to explore kansas?

To find the Seven Golden Cities.<3

What was Francisco Vasquez do Coronado's main goal in life?

Francisco Vasquez do Coronado's main goal was to find the Seven Cities Of Gold for him and his country(Spain)

Who led an expedition to the southwest searching for the 7 cities of gold?

Francisco Vasquez de Coronado was in charge of the expedition that went searching for the seven cities. He was sent by the Spanish Viceroy because it was believed the cities were filled with gold and other valuable treasures.

What date did Francisco Vasquez de Coronado sail?

Francisco Coronado set sail to find the seven cities of Cibola 1539 his voyage ended 1542.

Why did Francisco Vasquez de Coronado go exploring?

To find the rumored seven cities of gold

How many voyages Francisco Coronado did?

He went on one voyage to find the seven cities of gold

What was the purpose of Francisco de Coronado's trip?

The purpose was to find the seven cities of Cibolo ( Gold)

What year did Francisco Vรกzquez de Coronado sail to find the Seven cities of gold?

He set sail in 1540 for Seven gold cities