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Q: Why did giuseppe piazza name the first asteroid Ceres?
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Who discovered the biggest and first asteroid?

Giuseppe Piazzi discovered Ceres, the first and largest asteroid.

Who discovered the first large asteroid?

The first large asteriod, Ceres, was discovered by Giuseppe Piazzi.

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the first asteroid later named Ceres was discovered on January 1, 1801, by Giuseppe Piazzi

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Who discovered the first and largest asteroid?

The first large asteriod, Ceres, was discovered by Giuseppe Piazzi.

Does Eris or Ceres come first in the solar system?

Ceres as it is within the Asteroid belt

Who discovered asteroids?

The first asteroid to be discovered was Ceres, discovered by Giuseppe Piazzi in 1801, when he initially thought it to be a comet. Now designated as a dwarf planet (and the only one in the inner solar system) it has the mass of roughly a third of all asteroids the asteroid belt.

When did the they discover Ceres?

They discovered it January first 1801 by Giuseppe Piazzi

What was the first asteroid ever called?

It was recently discovered in an ancient fossilized creek bed in Mongolia that the dinosaurs called it "OH $H!+"All kidding aside, it was named Ceres discovered in 1801 by Giuseppe Piazzi

Who discovered Ceres?

Giuseppe Piazzi on the first of January 1801

Why was Ceres first a planet?

Ceres was the first asteroid belt object to be discovered, and astronomers of the time had long speculated that a planet might exist between the orbits of Jupiter and Mars. Later, the discovery of other asteroid belt objects cast doubt on Ceres' status as a planet.