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Q: Why did haiti fail to thrive years after it won its independence?
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Why did haiti fail to thrive in the year it won its independence?

Answer this question… Haiti remained deeply divided between different social classes.

Why did Haiti fail to thrive in the years after it won its independence?

Answer this question… Haiti remained deeply divided between different social classes.

What are the Dominican Republic enemies?

The only country that Dominicns consider enemy is Haiti and they have never actually made a peace treaty. Haiti still thinks the whole island is theirs and havent attacked for over 100 years. after the dominican republic gained indepedence from spain by signing a paper. haiti invaded and ocupied dominican republic for 22 years untill the "Trinity" started the independence war. after they repelled the haitian ocupation haiti continued to invade and fail for more than 20 years and never attacked again. lets see what the future holds since the war hasnt ended yet ( Haiti is training an army again )

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Aerobes utilize and thrive in oxygen, anaerobes are killed/ fail to thrive in oxygen.

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Aerobes utilize and thrive in oxygen, anaerobes are killed/ fail to thrive in oxygen.

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Some antonyms of 'thrive' are: fail languish decline droop perish shrink shrivel stagnate wane wither wilt

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sometimes no and sometimes yes

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its about time

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It failed because the colonies did not retain enough independence.

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What are the synonyms and antonyms on the word flourish?

Synonyms: grow, bloom, blossom, develop, expand, thrive Antonyms: languish, cease, fail