

Why did i dream of your husbands friend that is deceased?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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Because he was on your mind.

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Q: Why did i dream of your husbands friend that is deceased?
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go to!

What does it mean when a deceased friend is in pain in your dream?

the dreamer's subconscious mind could use the image of the deceased friend to represent something or someone entirely different, yet with qualities similar to the dead friend. For example, if the dream is about the friend's irritating habits, the subconscious mind could be alerting the dreamer that his/her behavior is becoming similarly irritating. It means that you are feeling guilty that you didn't do enough to show your friendship while this person was alive. We can feel guilty even when we did the very best we could.

What does it mean when you dream of you're deceased boyfriend knocking at the window?

This dream suggests that the dreamer is working through the denial phase of grief. The subconscious mind creates a story in which the deceased is not really dead, as a way of comforting the self. Such dreams are normal when one experiences the loss of a close friend or loved one.

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There is no patron saint for dreaming about a deceased son.