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Q: Why did iconoclasts not want Christians to use religious images in worship?
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What were iconoclasts opposed to?

Icons. In the Orthodox religion, images of Jesus and the saints are worshipped as if they were Jesus or the saints themselves. At one period in the Byzantine Empire, a group of Emperors opposed this form of worship and moved to have the icons (religious images) destroyed: they were called iconoclasts. However the iconophiles won out, and the icons are still there (well, not in Byzantium but in the Orthodox Churches of Greece and Russia)

What effect did the practice of iconoclasm have on byzantine empire?

APEX: it divided the empire between Christians who wanted to use images in their worship and those who believed the images were sinful

Leo III ban on religious images became known as?

split between the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church.

What were iconoclasts?

Iconoclasts still exist. Used as a noun, an iconoclast is a person who attacks laws, principles, beliefs or traditions as being based on error or superstition. The word may also be defined as a breaker or destroyer of images, especially those used for religious veneration. There was a group of people within the Greek Orthodox Church (between 725 and 842 CE) that workedto intentionally destroy religious icons and images. Synonyms include: radical, dissenter, rebel, and nonconformist.

Who destroyed Byzantine images?

In Byzantium, during the period from 726 to 843, there was an imperial ban on images. The destroyers of images were known as iconoclasts. Those who opposed such a ban were known as iconophiles.

How do some people use images to show their beliefs and become more spiritual?

Some Christians/Catholics use images of Jesus to show that they believe and follow him and his belief because he is someone that they worship.

What is the name of holy images used in worship?

Muslims do not worship pictures. Muslims worship Allah (SWT). And in Islam, it is forbidden to worship pictures and to have Human pictures (photos) in their house. They could have nature paintings (such as flowers, waterfalls, etc.) but nothing that resembles Humans or animals.Christians do not worship pictures, although some Christians reverence pictures (called proskynesis), and other Christians reject this practice as well. In Christianity, these religious pictures are called icons. They are generally pictures of Jesus, the Holy Family, Old Testament prophets and the saints of the Church. Pictures of Mary (the mother of Jesus) are a very popular theme of icons.

Can Jews use images in worship?

Jews do not use images of living things or divine things during worship.

What is the most important difference between Muhammad's teachings and the beliefs of other Arabs?

The answer you are most likely looking for is MONOTHEISM, since most schools try to stress that Muhammad's concept of monotheism was revolutionary in the Arabian Peninsula. However, this is actually false. There were significant numbers of Jews, Christians, and Hanifs (Arab Monotheists) who lived contemporaneously with Muhammad. All of these groups believed in only one god and all of these groups self-identified as Arabs (when they lived in the Arabian Peninsula).The actual major difference between Islam, the religion preached by Muhammad, and other Arabian Faiths was its DETERMINED ICONOCLASM. Iconoclasm is the idea that idols, icons, and other religious images should be destroyed and viewed as great sins. Almost no Arab groups were iconoclastic. The only other serious iconoclasts were the Jews (Christians and Hanifs maintained icons). Now, while Judaism is also iconoclastic, Judaism held no requirement that it was their duty to destroy the idols, icons, and other religious images that belong to Non-Jews. Muhammad specifically wanted to destroy all icons and religious images, regardless of whose religious images they were.

What is the origin of the word icon?

It comes from the Greek word eikon, meaning a likeness, image, or figure. The same word is used for religious images in Greek Orthodox worship.

What is the word origin of the word icon?

It comes from the Greek word eikon, meaning a likeness, image, or figure. The same word is used for religious images in Greek Orthodox worship.

Why are there no representations of Mohammad?

Islam prohibits visual representations of Mohammad. This is why Mosques are usually decorated with texts from the Koran unlike other religions which decorate their places of worship with images of religious figures.