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It did not make sense economically. Apartheid was about hatred and bigotry.

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Q: Why did it make sense economically for white Africans to keep apartheid?
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Why did the black south africans cheer against the springboks rugby team?

As you have not stipulated the time line for this its assumed you mean the event occurred during apartheid. During this time Black players were not allowed to play with white south Africans. When apartheid was over come some incredible came through from black origins . Much to the delight of the true rugby supporter

What events in African history might have led to the apartheid?

One cause of the Apartheid was slavery. Afrikaners (white South Africans of Dutch descent) treated local Bushmen and Namu peoples with savage contempt. Afrikaners wanted racial separation from Negroids (black South Africans). That's all I know about causes of the Apartheid. Signed, ~WOLF*LOVER12~ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I LIKE PIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why did Nelson Mandela help the south africans?

Trevor Huddleston was proactive in fighting against apartheid in South Africa. As an Anglican Archbishop, he was duty bound to speak against the discrimination of Black South Africans by the white supremacist administration.

What happend during Aparthied?

Apartheid was a system of segregation and overall discrimination against all non-white South Africans in South Africa that was actually a legal part of South African legislation.

What belief did apartheid support?

South Africa's National Party was a political group that consisted mostly of Afrikaners descendants of Dutch white South Africans also known as Boers.

Racial segregation South Africa?

The government in South Africa made a policy of racial segregation against all people who were not white. As well as black indigent Africans, this involved any non-white races. This is called apartheid or a government policy of racial segregation. The man who led the people against the apartheid was Nelson Mandela.Read more: What_was_the_racial_segregation_in_South_Africa

What do the Afrikaners have to do with the apartheid?

The Afrikaners were the people who had moved to Africa. they were the white people who had started the Apartheid.

How were whites treated during the years of apartheid?

The living conditions for the native Africans during the time of apartheid were very terrible. The Afrikaner government of the time had made it so that black people could not own any land in 87% of South Africa due to the Group Areas Act enforced in 1950. The black people were only aloud in 13% of their own land even though they vastly outnumbered the white people in population and the 13% of the country that they were aloud to own which were called the reserves had unfertile soil and no real residential construction. The Africans were forced to make their homes out of corrugated iron, scrap wood and pretty much what ever they could find and the cost of the land was very expensive and unfortunately not much has changed since the abolition of apartheid.

Are apartheid people black or white?

they are black

In south Africa what is the system that legalized racial discrimination?

The South African socio-legal system that institutionalized racial discrimination was known as "apartheid". An Afrikaans word meaning " to hold apart" (or, less literally, "separation"), apartheid maintained strict segregation between the white minority and all other races of South Africans

When the Nationalist Party of South Africa support apartheid, what belief did it support?

South Africa's National Party was a political group that consisted mostly of Afrikaners descendants of Dutch white South Africans also known as Boers.