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Q: Why did it take Galileo so long to apply his first idea for the pendulum?
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What famous Italian got the idea for the pendulum?

Galileo Gallilee I was bummend on this one 2!

Who died first Galileo or Einstein?

Galileo had the first idea, although Newton takes credit for it because of his perfection the matter.

Who first thought up the idea that the earth spins?

Galileo Galilei

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Galileo first theorized the idea of inertia; Newton worked further to develop itinto a law.

Galileo got his idea for building a telescope from?

Galileo got his idea from a professor

How was Galileo the first real scientist?

I am not sure whether he really was. But the idea is that he is supposed to be the first, or one of the first, to actually do experiments.

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The first person to come up with the idea of latitude and longitude?

Aristarchus was the first person to come up with the idea of latitude and longitude. However, his idea was not articulate and other astronomers have improved this idea over the years.

What was the idea which Galileo wished to prove?

that he was awesome :)

What were the consequences to Galileo for supporting the idea of Copernicus?

Galileo suffered a trail and house arrest.

Was the telescope Galileo's idea?

No, Galileo did not invent the telescope. According to Wikipedia "The earliest known working telescopes appeared in 1608 and are credited to Hans Lippershey" Galileo was the first person to turn the telescopes to the night sky and make some pretty contradictory observations.

What other scientific breakthroughs did the work of Galileo Galilei lead to?

In the opinion of many historians, Galileo Galileo studies of the universe led to Sir Issac Newton's discoveries on the laws of gravity. Galileo's support of Copernicus and his idea that the earth revolved around the sun, led Galileo into prison as this idea went against Church theology. After Galileo recanted he was freed.