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John Locke believed that our rights were conferred by God and were therefore inherent in every person. They are "natural" rights in the sense that they are not granted by human decree, but universal and inalienable.

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john Locke believed that the rights to life, liberty, and property are natural rights because he argued that individuals possess these rights inherently by virtue of being human. He believed that these rights are derived from natural law, which he saw as a moral code inherent in the natural order of the world. Locke believed that these natural rights should be protected by governments to ensure individuals can live freely and pursue their own interests.

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Q: Why did john Locke call your right of lifeliberty and property natural rights?
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What were 3 natural rights stated by John Locke?

John Locke stated three natural rights as life, liberty, and property. He believed that individuals were entitled to these rights by virtue of being human, and that government should protect them. Locke's ideas heavily influenced the drafters of the United States Declaration of Independence.

According to John Locke what are natural rights?

According to John Locke, natural rights are basic human rights that all individuals are born with, including the rights to life, liberty, and property. These rights are inherent to individuals and cannot be taken away by any government or authority. Locke believed that these rights are fundamental to a just society and should be protected by the government.

John Locke believed that people were born with natural rights that included the right to what?

John Locke believed that people were born with natural rights that included the right to life, liberty, and property.

Which enlightenment philosopher believed in natural rights?

John Locke believed in natural rights, including the rights to life, liberty, and property. He argued that these rights were inherent and inalienable, and that individuals possessed them by virtue of being human.

Who said People have these natural rights life liberty property?

John Locke, an influential philosopher, argued that individuals have natural rights to life, liberty, and property. Locke believed that these rights were inherent to all individuals and should be protected by governments. His ideas on natural rights have had a significant impact on political philosophy and the development of democratic societies.

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What were the natural rights of John Locke?

Life, liberty, and property

Was john Locke?

Did you mean Who was john Locke? John Locke was an English philosopher, he believed that people had their own rights. The natural rights are rights to liberty, life, and personal property. natural rights- rights that the government cannot take from them

What are your natural rights according to john Locke?

life, liberty, property

What did Locke argued?

people have natural rights; life, liberty, and property.

How did john Locke influence our government?

By proposing the idea of natural rights. These natural rights include the rights to life, liberty, and property.

How did Locke influence the American government?

By proposing the idea of natural rights. These natural rights include the rights to life, liberty, and property.

How did john Locke influence the government?

By proposing the idea of natural rights. These natural rights include the rights to life, liberty, and property.

What were 3 natural rights stated by John Locke?

John Locke stated three natural rights as life, liberty, and property. He believed that individuals were entitled to these rights by virtue of being human, and that government should protect them. Locke's ideas heavily influenced the drafters of the United States Declaration of Independence.

John Locke's 3 natural rights?

life, liberty and property

According to John Locke what are natural rights?

According to John Locke, natural rights are basic human rights that all individuals are born with, including the rights to life, liberty, and property. These rights are inherent to individuals and cannot be taken away by any government or authority. Locke believed that these rights are fundamental to a just society and should be protected by the government.

John Locke believed that people were born with natural rights that included the right to what?

John Locke believed that people were born with natural rights that included the right to life, liberty, and property.

Which enlightenment philosopher believed in natural rights?

John Locke believed in natural rights, including the rights to life, liberty, and property. He argued that these rights were inherent and inalienable, and that individuals possessed them by virtue of being human.