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herod did it so that no one could overthrow him in his throne

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Q: Why did king herod kill the first born male in Bethlehem?
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Who was the king of Bethlehem in Jesus' time?

In the bible the king who was ruling Bethleham was king Herod.

Where did the wise men go before they went to Bethlehem?

They met with Herod, who tried to extract information from them to kill Jesus. --Matthew chapter2

Which emperor issued a decree to kill new born babes in Jerusalem after the birth of Jesus?

You're probably thinking of Herod the Great. According to Matthew chapter 2, Herod ordered that all children of Bethlehem (not Jerusalem) age two and under be killed.

Who informed that children will be murdered by the birth of Jesus?

King Herod had soldiers kill every baby under the age of 2 in Bethlehem.

Why was Egypt a safer place for Mary and Joseph than Bethlehem?

Egypt was a safer place for Mary and Joseph than Bethlehem because Egypt was out of the jurisdiction of King Herod, who was seeking to kill the infant Jesus. By fleeing to Egypt, Mary and Joseph were able to escape Herod's massacre in Bethlehem targeting male infants.

Who were killed by royal command in Bethlehem?

King Herod ordered the killing of all children aged two or under, in the hope that he would kill the future king of the Jews.

Who kill John Baptist?

Herod son

Why was John the Baptist not killed with the rest of the infant boys at Herod's orders?

A:The story of the 'Slaughter of the Innocents' in Matthew's Gospel only requred Herod to have the babies born in or near Bethlehem killed, whereas Luke's Gospel says that John the Baptist was born in Jerusalem. More importantly, scholars can find no historical evidence that Herod ever had the babies killed. They say this was a literary creation intended to draw parallels between Jesus and Moses, and which was needed to explain the flight to Egypt and, years later, to Nazareth where Jesus began his ministry.

Who all did herod the great kill?

According to Biblical record, the first borns of all the sons in an attempt to Kill Jesus.

Who are the Holy Innocents?

The Holy Innocents are the children who were killed by King Herod in his attempt to kill the baby Jesus. They are regarded as martyrs by the Christian church for their innocence and are commemorated in the Feast of the Holy Innocents on December 28th.

Why did Jesus leave Egypt?

AnswerIn Matthew's version of the nativity of Jesus, Joseph and Mary fled with Jesus from Bethlehem to Egypt to escape King Herod, who wanted to have Jesus killed. After Herod died and it appeared safe to do so, they began the journey back to their home in Bethlehem, but being warned in a dream turned aside and made the long journey to Nazareth in Galilee instead.

What was herod the great responsible for in Jesus' life?

In an attempt to kill the infant Jesus, Herod the Great, king of Judea, sent envoys to massacre all baby boys in Bethlehem. History records numerous events that took place "in the days of Herod the king," events that throw light on the context of Jesus' life and ministry. (Matthew 2:1-16)