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Q: Why did king priam order the killing of his son alexandros Helen of troy?
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Who did Helen visit to the island?

Helen visited her father, King Priam, on the island of Troy.

Which goddess helps Priam's son Paris abduct Helen?


Who was the Prince of Troy who stole Helen in mythology?

Paris The Son Of Priam Who Was The King Of Troy At The Time

Who got married to the hellen of troy?

Helen of Troy was the daughter of Zeus and was the sister of Castor, Pollux, and Clytemnestra. Helen of Troy married Paris, Paris was the son of King Priam of Troy.

Who was the King of Troy during the action of The Iliad?

Priam was the last king of Troy. He was the father of Hector and Paris. It was Paris who seduced Helen of Sparta and so began the Trojan War which lasted for 10years. Priam was killed on the last day of the war. and it was Paris that killed Achilles by shooting him in the heel with a arrow. Hence the saying "Achilles Heel".

Who was the Queen of Troy and mother of Hector?

It's actually Hecuba who was Hector's mother and Priam's wife. Helen was the woman that Paris took from the Greek king.

Major character of troy?

Helen, Menalaeus, Paris and Achilles. [Then Agamemnon, Nestor, Hector, and Odessyus. Also Priam, Lacoon, Clymenstra, Iphigenia, Cassandra, and Patroclus.]

What is the relationship between Priam and Podarces?

Heracles and his allies put Troy to siege, killing Laomedon and all his sons save Podarces, who saved his own life by giving Heracles a golden veil Hesione had made (and therefore was afterwards called Priam, from priamai 'to buy').

Who kidnapped Helen in Helen of troy?

Paris was the prince of troy who abducted Helen the queen of Sparta. The story goes that Aphrodite, Athena, and Hera where arguing who was the most beautiful. They asked a mortal man and it was Paris. Aphrodite promised Paris the most beautiful women in the world if he said she was the most beautiful. So he did. And the most beautiful women in the world was Helen.

Priam was King of what city?


When was King Priam created?

King Priam was created in 1962.

Who is priam?

Priam was the king of Troy during the Trojan War.