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partly out of their fear of western states having more power; land-rich states would pay of their war debts and the day to day costs of state government with the income from the sale of their wetsern lands

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Q: Why did land poor states want western lands ceded to the central government?
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What are three lasting achievements of the federal government under the Articles?

Under the Articles of Confederation the American colonists fought and defeated Great Britain and gained independence. By the end of the "Confederation era," Congers had created a bureaucracy to administer the day-to-day affairs of the government. The issue over the western lands was solved under the Articles. The large states holding vast amounts of western land ceded the land to the government under the Articles so that all the states could share in the wealth of those lands. The Northwest Ordinances were passed that provided for the creation of equal, self governing states in the Northwest Territories and the newly created states would have the same rights and privileges as the original 13 states. Congress also provided for a survey of the western lands to prepare the land for sale to all. Under the Articles, the states were held together until a new government under the Constitution was created. The new nation began to emerge as one respecting the ideas that had caused the Revolutionary War in the first place.

What is the federal system short definition?

The federal system is the aggregation of powers specifically granted by the several states during the Continental Congress and Constitutional era. Power was ceded -- grudgingly -- by the states to a federal government voluntarily, and reluctantly.

What was the First central government established after revolution war?

Drafted during the years 1776 and 1777, while the colonists were still fighting for independence, the Articles of Confederation created a weak national government with most of the governmental powers retained by the states. The Articles provided no separation of branches. There was no president or any other independent executive, nor was there a federal judicial branch. Congress, the legislature, was the only branch of government. Laws required unanimous votes. Members elected to congress did not vote as individuals, but as states. While congress did have some powers, it could not enforce its laws on the states or the people. States were permitted to coin their own money. There was no regulation of commerce between the states and states could even enter into treaties with foreign nations and declare war, “with the consent of Congress.” Congress could not tax the states or the people, it could only request funds to run the government. Under the Articles of Confederation the American colonists fought and defeated Great Britain and gained independence. By the end of the "Confederation era," Congers had created a bureaucracy to administer the day-to-day affairs of the government. The issue over the western lands was solved under the Articles. The large states holding vast amounts of western land ceded the land to the government under the Articles so that all the states could share in the wealth of those lands. The Northwest Ordinances were passed that provided for the creation of equal, self governing states in the Northwest Territories and the newly created states would have the same rights and privileges as the original 13 states. Congress also provided for a survey of the western lands to prepare the land for sale to all. Under the Articles, the states were held together until a new government under the Constitution was created. The new nation began to emerge as one respecting the ideas that had caused the Revolutionary War in the first place.

Why does US have territories?

The United States has territories that they gained during the Spanish-American War. The Philippines, once a territory of the United States, was given independence 40-years after it was ceded by Spain to the United States. The current territories of the United States are Guam, Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands, Northern Marinara Islands, and American Samoa.

What were the major arguments regarding taxation under the new government?

Whiskey's Rebellion... which accrued in 1794 and it was a protest against the governments taxes on whiskey by Back country farmers!!Treaty of Greenville which accrued in 1795 and it was a treaty in which 12 Native American tribes ceded control of much of Ohio and Indiana to the U.S government!

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To what geographic feature did the western land claims extend?

Ceded its western claim that extended Mississippi River to the Federal Government.

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Spain ceded California to The United States.

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Spain ceded Florida to the United States as a result of the US occupation there.

What are some strengths of the articles of confederation?

The issue over the western lands was solved under the Articles. The large states holding vast amounts of western land ceded the land to the government under the Articles so that all the states could share in the wealth of those lands. The Northwest Ordinances were passed that provided for the creation of equal, self governing states in the Northwest Territories and the newly created states would have the same rights and privileges as the original 13 states. Congress also provided for a survey of the western lands to prepare the land for sale to all.

What legislation came out of theconfederation concerning the northwest territory?

The large states holding vast amounts of western land ceded the land to the government under the Articles so that all the states could share in the wealth of those lands. The Northwest Ordinances were passed that provided for the creation of equal, self governing states in the Northwest Territories and the newly created states would have the same rights and privileges as the original 13 states. Congress also provided for a survey of the western lands to prepare the land for sale to all.

What territories were added to the U.S during john Adams presidency?

Land Changes During John Adams' Presidency:Apr 1798 : The land north of West Florida that had been ceded by Spain to the U.S. became the Mississippi Territory.Apr 1798 : Negotiations began between Georgia and the federal government regarding Georgia ceding its western land to the federal government.Jul 1800 : Indiana Territory was formed from the western part of the Northwest Territory.Jul 1800 : Connecticut ceded its Western Reserve to the federal government. It became part of the Northwest Territory.

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How successful were the articles of condferation concerning western lands?

Under the Articles of Confederation the American colonists fought and defeated Great Britain and gained independence. By the end of the "Confederation era," Congers had created a bureaucracy to administer the day-to-day affairs of the government. The issue over the western lands was solved under the Articles. The large states holding vast amounts of western land ceded the land to the government under the Articles so that all the states could share in the wealth of those lands. The Northwest Ordinances were passed that provided for the creation of equal, self governing states in the Northwest Territories and the newly created states would have the same rights and privileges as the original 13 states. Congress also provided for a survey of the western lands to prepare the land for sale to all.

What are three lasting achievements of the federal government under the Articles?

Under the Articles of Confederation the American colonists fought and defeated Great Britain and gained independence. By the end of the "Confederation era," Congers had created a bureaucracy to administer the day-to-day affairs of the government. The issue over the western lands was solved under the Articles. The large states holding vast amounts of western land ceded the land to the government under the Articles so that all the states could share in the wealth of those lands. The Northwest Ordinances were passed that provided for the creation of equal, self governing states in the Northwest Territories and the newly created states would have the same rights and privileges as the original 13 states. Congress also provided for a survey of the western lands to prepare the land for sale to all. Under the Articles, the states were held together until a new government under the Constitution was created. The new nation began to emerge as one respecting the ideas that had caused the Revolutionary War in the first place.

What is the federal system short definition?

The federal system is the aggregation of powers specifically granted by the several states during the Continental Congress and Constitutional era. Power was ceded -- grudgingly -- by the states to a federal government voluntarily, and reluctantly.

How did the Articles of Confederation deal with Western land claims?

The issue over the western lands was solved under the Articles. The large states holding vast amounts of western land ceded the land to the government under the Articles so that all the states could share in the wealth of those lands. The Northwest Ordinances were passed that provided for the creation of equal, self governing states in the Northwest Territories and the newly created states would have the same rights and privileges as the original 13 states. Congress also provided for a survey of the western lands to prepare the land for sale to all.

How did The United States acquired the territory of Florida by?

Spain ceded it to the u.s